Good morning everyone!!! Got some big news to share…
I’m Taking a Sabbatical…
I’ve written 172 articles for this blog in the past couple years, and there’s 1 overarching theme I hope has shined through… It’s that life is more important than money.
That being said, there’s no better time to practice what I preach and disconnect from work for a few months while I shuffle priorities around. Hanging with my family is my new full-time job, and I’m going to stop blogging here.
It’s sad stepping away from Budgets Are Sexy because this has been a dream job. And I honestly don’t know if or when I’ll get back to an awesome position like this. The next chapter for me is scary in many ways…
→ Scared about money: Even though my wife and I have more than most people in life, dropping one of our incomes (while our expenses are increasing) is going to put a large dent in our finances. We will have a negative savings rate this year.
→ Scared about future work: This is my second “career break” within a 5-year time frame. My mind is filled with all sorts of *irrational* thoughts like “who the fuck is going to hire me again after this? I have zero skills to offer anyone, ever.” These aren’t realistic or true thoughts but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have them.
But, even with all these fears and unknowns, this move is still a no-brainer decision for me. We have to take a leap of faith. And, there’s plenty to be excited about too!!!…
→ Excited about a new challenge!: Tackling scary new things in life usually results in more good outcomes than bad ones. You never know what you’re going to be good at unless you try. So, I’m excited to try.
→ Excited about a work break: Sabbaticals result in a lot of personal growth and valuable life epiphanies. I’m looking forward to taking a step back and reassessing passions and work options.
The Show Must Go On!
While the owners of this blog haven’t quite figured out a new direction just yet, I’ve done my best to line up some good content for the next little bit.
Budgets will feature some of my favorite oldies from J$ himself, so you’ll be receiving those posts in your inbox for a while.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m extremely appreciative to you all for reading my dribble over the past few years. Thanks for your comments, replies and encouragement.
I’ll still be blogging daily over at my personal site if you want to stay connected and receive my overly positive daily epigrams.
Goodbye, all.

Joel is a 35 y/o Aussie living in Los Angeles and the guy behind 5amjoel.com. He loves waking up early, finding ways to be more efficient with time and money, and sharing what he learns with others. Rise Early | Retire Early!