Kierstyn has been loving her swimming lessons!
It’s so fun to see her gaining so much confidence in the water!
This boy brings us so much joy!
I ended up having an unexpected overnight stay at the hospital a few weeks ago. I’m so grateful that I was able to be released without needing an emergency c-section.
When I got home from the hospital, I was motivated to finish out some of the to do’s on my long list of things I wanted to get done before the baby comes — including cleaning out this closet where I’d basically just dumped a bunch of baby things + other random things the past two years.
It was so good to have it cleaned out organized and to have gone through the baby things!
We’ve been watching Champ more these days while his mom works. Jesse and I took a long walk with Silas and the three littles and Silas rode in the Wonderfold wagon with the littles (it can hold up to 300 pounds!)
They’ve been loving the water table!
I washed my hair and came out to discover she had somehow found a sharpie and worked on a masterpiece.
These two love “helping” with the dishes.
Her face so clearly expresses how much she loves him!
I came home from being at therapy with D and these two ran to me and were so excited to see me. I look at this picture and my heart feels like it just might burst… to think of how we were told we’d never have more children. And here I stand 9 months pregnant, holding a precious boy we are in the process of adopting and surrounded by two little ones — one who I birthed and one who we got the privilege to foster for 8 months and now get the privilege to love and babysit for regularly,
My sweet friend, Kate, took me out to brunch last week to celebrate our soon-to-be-born babe.
Two of my sisters came to visit last weekend and we got to meet my sister’s new little baby girl. Kierstyn was enthralled!
D was very interested in the baby and it was so fun to watch him be so gentle with her!
Silas flew FL with one of his friends and their family this past week.
Our good friend, Isabel, graduated last week.
Kathrynne practicing for next year.
My oldest and my youngest.
Kierstyn has a very special relationship with Isabel and is going to miss her so much (as we all will) when she heads off to college in the fall.
We went to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana a few days ago. We brought our good friend, Will, with us.
Kierstyn loved getting to watch all of the rides!
They have a waterpark area and Kierstyn loved getting in the little wading pool.
At the end of the day — a little sunburned and tired from walking 15k steps, but it was such a fun day full of memories and laughter and great conversation!
Silas living his best life in FL.
We took the three littles to the park and D loved this swing.
Kierstyn and C just wanted to try to climb up all the slides!
I can’t believe it’s just about two more weeks until my induction! We are so grateful that despite many different complications this pregnancy, I’ve made it this far and baby continues to be very healthy each week and passing all the tests. We are getting excited to meet this little one and I’m thankful that the days continue to pass by quickly!