Every June, people around the world celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community and actively recognize the challenges, from the personal to the financial, as well as the discrimination and prejudice they face on a daily basis. AccountingWEB is proud to be an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community, and part of our mission is to assist individuals in navigating financial hurdles.
We recognize that individuals in the community face many financial hurdles: For instance, queer youths are frequently kicked out of their homes at a young age, forcing them to suddenly have to fend for themselves and cover huge expenses, such as food, housing, and higher education. This is in contrast to their cisgender peers, who are statistically more likely to receive familial financial support until they are able to start working. For those couples who want a family, adoption or working with a surrogate may be the only options available and require thousands of dollars to even start the process.
Simply put, we’re aware that the financial needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals and families are unique, and that when it comes to financial planning, one size does not fit all. That’s why, for Pride 2022, we have compiled a list of financial resources accessible to the public. Our goals are twofold: to be as inclusive as possible and to do our part to create a better future for the LGBTQIA+ community.
You can find more information about college funding, family planning, and more below:
LGBTQ Funding Resources in Response to COVID-19
Financial Playbook for Married Couples
Financial Resources for the LGBTQ Community
Stonewall Community Foundation
Point Foundation for Academic Financial & Scholarship Aid
Financial Assistance for Medical Transitioning Services
Credit Report Help for Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals
Financial Considerations for Married and Unmarried Couples
Estate Planning for LGBTQ Couples
If we’ve missed any resources that should be on this list, we’d love for you to share it with us! You can either leave a comment at the bottom of this article or email us directly at [email protected].