Thursday, June 23, 2022
HomeBudgetMake Your Space a Sanctuary for the Soul

Make Your Space a Sanctuary for the Soul

Summer is here and we have a lot of ways to add more color to your life.

Summer is in full swing, and it brings lots of warm days, family gathering, and (hopefully) a slower pace. 

But when we thought about summer this year, we thought about color and how to add more of it to every aspect of our lives.

So if you feel like you could use a little more color this year, we have a lot of ideas that will help you add it to your table, your days, your mindset, and even your marriage.

Here’s the breakdown of this month’s issue:

HOME 101

Are you planting a garden this summer? Make it even more beautiful with our DIY Rainbow Garden Markers. Last month we talked about how to organize your garage, so if you jumped in and sorted through all the things in your garage,  you’re probably planning to have a garage or tag sale soon. We have a complete guide to help you in ​​How to Organize a Garage Sale. Or if you’re looking for something fun for the kids, add more color to their summer with our Homemade Rainbow Sparkle Playdoh.


One of our favorite ways to add a lot of color to our recipes is with fresh produce. And there’s no better time of year than July to get some beautiful, colorful, locally grown ingredients. Know what to buy when with our Fresh Produce 101 Guide. 

We also have some light summer recipes to share including Quick & Easy Avocado Tostadas, Garlic Butter Shrimp with Zoodles, and Pan Seared Shrimp with Cheesy Spinach and Cauliflower Rice. And if you’re looking for a low carb dessert, try our Easy Keto Cheesecake


Are you looking to save some money this summer? We have a couple of great resources for you. First,make saving easy with these 17 Awesome Money Saving Apps

Then if you’re interested in investing some money but don’t know where to start, take a look at our post which will tell you What Every Mom Needs to Know About Investing.


If you’re tackling some organization projects this summer, check out our 5 Simple Strategies For Staying Organized. In our self improvement category this month, we have How to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset, and When Water Won’t Cut It. And if you’re looking for ways to add more color to your marriage, you’ll want to read 11 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Marriage.

This month, remember to take some time to slow down and enjoy your summer with all its color and beauty. 

Here’s to possibilities!

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