I hope you’re in search of some eye candy today as I’m serving it up hot!
Stumbled across a bunch of ridiculously silly, yet somewhat helpful!, videos we created for All-Star Money last year, and thought you might enjoy the change from my novels here lately…
These came about from pouring over 200 articles a day in the space, and then plucking out my favorites and doing a little skit around them. Which looks like they may have only taken about 17 minutes to produce, but oh no! These puppies took around 10 hours total EACH by the time we concepted them, wrote out the script, set up the camera (aka phone), did all that glorious (ly bad) acting, and then finally edited and compiled everything together (shout out to Harry and Zach for taking on that role!).
My respect levels to all vloggers went up immensely after doing this, I’ll tell you what… And as you can imagine, it didn’t last long until we cut these from the schedule, haha… But not before we were left with a dozen or so gems to forever appreciate! Along with an insane amount of learning experience!
Here were some of the more nugget-rich skits we put together, each with its own fun spin to it:
As silly as some of these are though, I really am pretty proud of them. Especially for this being my first real foray into making videos! But I’m certainly under no illusion of becoming a YouTube star anytime soon, haha, but I’d def. give it another go if anyone ever wants to employ me
But you check them out and let me know what you think!
Oh, and then I’ll also drop some fun Q&As we did earlier this year too. Where people from the community shot over questions for me and I answered them via video (which was a LOT faster and easier to do! I think that took me approximately 30 minutes total, lol…)
Some of these questions are also pretty random (like my go-to choice in nail polish, or if I’d rather go into war with one horse-sized Chihuahua or 100 Chihuahua-sized horses?!), but there were were some good life and money pondering Qs too. As well as a clip where I read off the best hate mail I’ve gotten over the years which I DIE laughing at every time cuz they’re so horrible!
Alright, let’s get to them… Bookmark for some good weekend watching if you don’t have the time now! I promise it’ll be worth it… (no I don’t).
A Visual Representation of Financial Disasters [2020]
[Inspired by Wealthy Retirement: A Lesson From the Sinnemahoning Rattlesnake Hunt]
The 3 Budgets You Need to Create Today
[Inspired by The Penny Hoarder: Good, Bad and in Between: Why You Should Have 3 Versions of Your Budget]
An Investment Tip That Could Get You Half a Million Dollars
[Inspired by One Cent at a Time: How to Become Rich by Saving One Hour of Wage Per Day // Money Makers hat and Abundance shirt by Abundance Community.]
How To Lead an Intentional Life by “Opting Out”
[Inspired by Cait Flanders: Adventures in Opting Out // Shirt by Accidental FIRE: Index And Chill (Amazon affiliate link)]
A Football Analogy To Help You Manage Rejection
[Inspired by A Lawyer and Her Money: The Easy Hack I Use to Make Failure Fun]
Save Money (and Space) with the 4Rs. Plus: A new FIRE song!
[Inspired by The Lifestyle Files: How To Balance Minimalism And A Love Affair With Books // We Want Guac: The Financial Independence Song is Here]
A Slightly Morbid Exercise: Write Your Ideal Obituary!
[Inspired by Rich Habits: The Incredible Powers of the Human Mind // Shirt by:]
Dividend Investing: A Popular Way to Grow Wealth
[Inspired by Dividend Diplomats: Dividend Income from YOU the Bloggers]
Find Your IKIGAI by Exploring These Four Quadrants
- What you love
- What you’re good at
- What the world needs
- What you can be paid for
Check out the video, and then try this method to find your own IKIGAI!
[Inspired by Physician on FIRE: Love Your Job? Why You Should Still Pursue Financial Independence]
This 8-Year-Old Makes 2 Million a Month on YouTube (!)
[Inspired by: (no longer online)]
Forrest Fenn’s Treasure + The War Ratio
[Inspired by The Physician Philosopher: Saving Money. How Much is Enough? The 30% Rule // A Purple Life: P.S. I’m Bi]
And lastly, here are some fun Q&As we did with the community… They’re batched into 3 videos and covers everything from my mohawk budget to creepy hate mail to why I’m called “The Miley Cyrus of Finance” and more. Check ’em out!
Q&A with J. Money (Batch #1)
Q&A with J. Money (Batch #2)
Q&A with J. Money (Batch #3)
And there you have it! My video producing debut!
Unless you count my famous music video that went viral 8 years ago – “Cash in A Box” – a cover of “D*ck in a Box”, lol… But I wouldn’t advise you watch that unless you have a strong stomach
PS: If you liked these, “follow” me on YouTube so you can catch future nonsense I create over the years
PPS: Mad love to my bff and biz parner, Nate St. Pierre, for helping me with all these crazy skits, as well as to Zack Taylor and Harry Huncken for their fine editing skills. Highly recommend them if you ever need some video work yourself!
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