Sunday, June 26, 2022
HomeEconomicsLinks 6/26/2022 | naked capitalism

Links 6/26/2022 | naked capitalism

Lambert and I, and many readers, agree that Ukraine has prompted the worst informational environment ever. We hope readers will collaborate in mitigating the fog of war — both real fog and stage fog — in comments. None of us need more cheerleading and link-free repetition of memes; there are platforms for that. Low-value, link-free pom pom-wavers will be summarily whacked.

And for those who are new here, this is not a mere polite request. We have written site Policies and those who comment have accepted those terms. To prevent having to resort to the nuclear option of shutting comments down entirely until more sanity prevails, as we did during the 2015 Greek bailout negotiations and shortly after the 2020 election, we are going to be ruthless about moderating and blacklisting offenders.


P.S. Also, before further stressing our already stressed moderators, read our site policies:

Please do not write us to ask why a comment has not appeared. We do not have the bandwidth to investigate and reply. Using the comments section to complain about moderation decisions/tripwires earns that commenter troll points. Please don’t do it. Those comments will also be removed if we encounter them.


Jerri-Lynn here. Compiling today’s Links  reminded me of the warning I received when I first arrived at MIT in autumn 1979: keeping up with my studies would be like trying to take a drink from a fire hose. Alas, lots of worthwhile links ended up on the cutting room floor today. Some of those – pertaining to Dobbs v. Women’s Health Organization – I’ll discuss in a post to be launched later today.

As for all the links that did make today’s cut, enjoy! If readers think I missed anything Link-worthy, please mention my oversight in today’s comments. I always try to read the Sunday comments before I post Monday’s Links, so as to pick up on anything I may have otherwise overlooked. Thanks!


Good God, I can’t publish this… The Critic

From aardvark to woke: inside the Oxford English Dictionary New Statesman

Frozen baby mammoth discovered in Yukon excites Canada BBC

‘C.L.R. James’ Review: From Trinidad to Trotsky WSJ

The Victim Cloud Harper’s

Three cheers for booing in the theatre The Spectator

Iconoclasm of the Vanities: Why We Are Destroying Statues American Affairs

The End of the Art-Baby Problem The New Republic

Ada Calhoun comes to terms with a neglectful father in ‘Also a Poet’ WaPo of Inefamyens

Bob Stanley’s pre-history of pop breathes life into a lost musical era New Statesman

A Brief History of Women’s Eyebrows in Art Hyperallergic

The resurgence of Venice’s prized dorona grape BBC

19th-century letters between two sisters reveal early records of avian life in Madras Scroll

Queens of Infamy Longreads

The Ultimate Summer 2022 Reading List Literary Hub I’m posting this for its list of lists, as I don’t think much of the compiler’s prime recommendations,  other than the recommendation of Mohsin Hamid’s latest, which is on my to-read pile. I’ve enjoyed many of his previous novels, although some I found not as fine as touted. These lists will prod me to get serious about this summer’s reading. Curling up with a good book is one of the only ways I’ve found to escape being overwhelmed by the flood of contemporary bad news.


Biden officials to keep private the names of hospitals where patients contracted Covid Politico. So, exactly is that personal risk assessment supposed to work?

How hiring the wrong medical “expert” derailed US pandemic response Ars Technica

“In the Worst Case, It Could Take a Few More Winters” Der Spiegel

Covid-19 ‘magic mirror’ reflects widening fissures in Chinese society  South China Morning Post (re Šilc )


New Not-So-Cold-War

Fall of Severodonetsk is Russia’s biggest victory since Mariupol Al Jazeera

An Iron Curtain descends on Europe and the USA Gilbert Doctorow

Swiss customs say Russian gold import arrived from the UK


EU candidates Ukraine, Moldova face long road to join the bloc Deutsche Welle

Italy’s PM Says EU May Convene Extraordinary Summit On Energy As Russia Reduces Gas Supply Republic World

No, We Can’t Afford €100 Billion for Rearmament Jacobin

G7 face battle for unity as cost of Ukraine war mounts BBC

What would a ‘Marshall Plan’ for Ukraine entail? Deutsche Welle ((re Šilc)


SCOTT RITTER: The Fantasy of Fanaticism Consortium News

Russia Is Running Out Of [Whatever The Media Claim] Moon of Alabama

Old Blighty

The Pointless Keir Starmer Craig Murray

‘What have we done?’: six years on, UK counts the cost of Brexit Guardian (re Šilc )


​Iran and EU agree to restart nuclear deal talks on Borrell visit Al Jazeera


The Supreme Court’s Gun Ruling Yesterday Shows It Isn’t Pro-Life Jacobin


Climate Change

Let Them Eat Fermented Protein Literary Hub

Global CEOs urge G7 leaders to step up climate action FT

Unusual early-season threat in Atlantic’s main development region Yale Climate Connections

‘They Own the Ocean’: Gwadar’s Struggle With Illegal Fishing The Diplomat

The Mexican Energy Option Consortium News

Woke Watch

The most pressing diversity issue in publishing? Groupthink Prospect

Groves of Academe

The Hysterical Style in the American Humanities Chronicle of Higher Education

The Supremes

The shame of the Supreme Court (furzy)


A Piece of Pizza and a Beer London Review of Books

The Dobbs Decision Unleashes Rage and Revisionism Jonathan Turley

‘Crossing the Line’ to Get an Abortion Capital & Main

Roe v Wade: The world reacts to US abortion ruling BBC

Trump privately called a Roe v. Wade reversal ‘bad’ for his party NYT. Really depends largely on whether the DNC Democrats do anything more than ‘fight for’ restoring abortion rights in no choice states.

HIPAA won’t protect you, if prosecutors want your reproductive health records Stat

Spurred by Roe overturn, senators seek FTC probe of iOS and Android tracking Ars Technica

Class Warfare

Why Are So Many Firefighters Still Struggling to Afford Housing? Capital & Main

Summer travel misery ahead as industry workers in revolt France 24

‘I’m grateful I got anything’: Burger King worker, 60, who got movie ticket, candy and pens for 27 years of service without missing a shift says he’ll pay for his grandkids to go to college as GoFundMe soars past $130,000 Daily Mail (re Šilc)

The Fall and Rise of the U.S. Top 1 PercentBarry Ritholtz (re Šilc)

UK rail strike live coverage WSWS

Waste Watch

Harley Davidson Now Won’t Void Warranties Over Third-Party Parts or Repairs Jalopnik. Turns out that all that was necessary to get a company to allow for a right to repair was for the FTC to do its job and regulate. Bravo Lina Khan et al. Ordinarily, I’d post on this development, if I didn’t have posts planned on the abortion ruling, and the Supremes decision not to hear Bayer’s glyphosate appeal.

FTC Takes Action Against Harley-Davidson and Westinghouse for Illegally Restricting Customers’ Right to Repair FTC

FTC Chair Says Right to Repair is a ‘Top Priority’ Aftermarket News. From two weeks ago; still germane.

Imran Khan challenges NAB law amendment in Supreme Court Dawn


River Reflections: Impermanence, Erosion, Migration On The Brahmaputra India Spend

Inside the Fight To Decide How Pure India’s Drugs Need To Be The Wire

Centre gets NHRC notice on report that air pollution shortens lifespan of Indians by five years Scroll

PM Modi issues departure statement ahead of his visit to Germany and UAE on 26-28 June Firstpost

Gujarat Police Arrest Teesta Setalvad, Activist Who Pursued 2002 Riots Case Against Modi The Wire

From miniatures, manuscripts to textiles and photos: Art comes alive in BN Goswamy’s Conversations Scroll Essays written by a lovely, gracious man, whom I once had the pleasure of meeting.

Drowning: A silent killer Dhaka Tribune. Bangladesh moves to launch a network of community-based early childhood care facilities, in order to stop children from drowning: the leading cause of death for youngsters in this very wet country. I’ll watch this proposal with interest, as I know a Bangladesh NGO drastically reduced death from childhood diarrhea by widely distributing – and showing people how to use – measuring spoons for salt and sugar, to add to clean water, to make homemade rehydration solution. See Naked Capitalism here. The latest initiative raises an obvious question: if Bangladesh can afford to launch a nationwide plan for community-based early childhood care centers, why can’t the U.S. do the same?


How’s the China-India economic relationship changed 2 years on from the deadly Galwan Valley border clash? South China Morning Post


Mass actions against President Kais Saied’s rule intensify in Tunisia People’s Dispatch


Earthquake poses test of US resistance to the TalibanResponsible Statecraft

Click on full thread in the following tweet, including embedded video.

Antidote du Jour (via):


See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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