by Hope
My mental well-being has been challenged in ways that I have never experienced before and I am struggling on every front as a result. It has affected my parenting, my work, my finances, my decision making…my whole entire existence. (Yes, it is related to my now 4 year old relationship.)
As a result, I have spent money I had no plans to spend…two trips out of town. One literally decided and planned the same day.
I am fighting to keep my faith and joy in a relationship that has been so strong and such a pivotal turn in my life, but I am drowning at the same time.
Emotions overwhelm me and I’m so isolated when it comes to “adult” stuff. This has been really, really hard. Like walking through a fog all the time.
I can relate so well to Beks recent posts on stress spending, aloneness and such. While I haven’t really shopped, I have certainly spent money that I didn’t plan on and more than that, without any type of planning.
Every day I feel like I’m going to bounce back and be myself again, take on my to do list that is so far behind and catch up at work. And every day, I fail. Like miserably.
I’ve cut my hair off (see picture above), thanks to my daughter who is in cosmetology school.
I cancelled the unused gym membership.
I’ve opened and closed my budget worksheet so many times that it’s just stupid.
I’m floundering, big time.
But I’ll get through this too. Just wanted to jump on and let you know the reason for my MIA status. Prayers appreciated. I’m slowly making my way back to being me again.

Hope is a digital marketing manager and foster/adoptive single mom to five kids. She has run her own consulting company for over 15 years and took a leap of faith returning to the corporate world in 2021 to a job and team she loves! Hope began sharing her journey with the BAD community in the Spring of 2015 and feels like she has finally mastered the balance between family first and wise financial decisions.