Looking to save some extra cash for vacations, or anything special you have coming up? Or maybe you are trying to get better at sticking to a budget and working down any debts you may have.
Then you will love these super CUTE rainbow cupcake cash envelopes!
Rainbow Cupcake Cash Envelopes
Making a budget doesn’t have to be too overwhelming, In fact, I’ve got ya covered where you can read all about creating a budget here! Plus, if you’re looking for a solid budget planner, check out my Budgeting Money Binder here in the shop!
Once you have that all in place, you can reeeelly get the most use out of these adorable cash envelopes. The design is so cute and fresh, with super bright colors that will make budgeting actually feel joyful.
There are 4 beautiful designs including rainbows, geometric triangles, stars, and hearts.
Once you print cash envelopes, it’s so simple to fold and tape them up, and put in/take out cash as needed.
There is a place to write down each time you put cash in or take out including the date, amount, description of what it is for, and balance.
There are so many fun ways you can use these too!! Here are a few suggestions…
- Save up for something big – vacation, car, down payment, etc.
- Use for chore allowances – give your child a set amount each week/month for doing specific chores and teach them to save money
- Pay off a debt by putting extra cash in here to use for it
You can check out more cash envelope designs here as well! There’s a style for everyone and every budgeting item.
Enjoy budgeting and start living the life you have always dreamed of with these rainbow cupcake cash envelopes!!
Download the Rainbow Cupcake Cash Envelopes here.