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HomeWork From HomeHand Lettering Verses for Strength Workbook

Hand Lettering Verses for Strength Workbook

I went through a time recently when I was just completely exhausted from all of life’s responsibilities and strains.

Feeling so weak, I literally didn’t even want to get out of bed. I was completely in the Word of God, but still just not feeling like I could handle all of life’s problems. Completely overwhelmed and drudging life, so I started turning to TRUTHS about God.

That’s when I started creating these Hand Lettering Verses for Strength to encourage myself. I knew that getting MORE of the Word in me wasn’t the problem, because I was already in the Word quite a lot, but for me, in that moment, it became about BELIEVING the Word.

Not just reading it and saying to myself, “Oh, that’s a great verse. God is good.” But actually investing into the verses and really writing them on my heart, meditating on Scripture and making it a part of my SOUL! 

Hand Lettering Verses for Strength Workbook

God is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He’s supreme. He’s sovereign. Things like that really helped me because I was able to start realizing that I may not be strong enough to handle things in life (and I’m not), but HE IS!!! And not only IS HE, but He WILL. He cares about us. He’s not a genie granting wishes like some want you to believe, He’s our God. He cares.

👉 He’s there in our pain and suffering even MORE in order that we be able to comfort others who are going through similar experiences later (2 Corinthians 1:3-7; Isaiah 41:10). 

I know that’s exactly what He did in the situation of my ex-husband abandoning us. While EXTREMELY painful at the time, I’m now able to help ease the pain and to comfort others who are going through situations like that. 

Listen, our pain and suffering is never wasted! 💯 But God allows us to go through things, in part to help others. He cares about EVERYONE. I think back to the story of how John MacArthur became a Pastor. 

He was thrown from a car and ended up in the hospital. He didn’t want to be a Pastor and after the car accident, he told God something like, “Well, if that’s how you fight, I’m done. You win. I’ll be a Pastor.” 

And now look at his ministry and all he’s accomplished. I bet you anything, if you ask John if he’s thankful for God allowing that situation to happen to him, he’d say absolutely!!

Likewise, I’m thankful I went through homelessness and abandonment. Not for the deeds, actions, or immense pain themselves, but because of what it produced in me and FOR you! 

Part of allowing God to comfort us is to take a proactive approach. We can’t just sit there in our pain and misery and say, “Okay, Lord, you said you’d comfort me. Get to the comforting already.” Right?

We can’t sit there and wallow in our pain. Not long-term anyway. So creating these hand lettering practice sheets was a way for me to really comfort myself and focus on Scripture in a deeper way. When I hand letter, I’m focusing on the words I’m writing MORE. 

And, in turn, I can use the printables to help you, to comfort you, to give YOU a resource to also be comforted with. 

You are literally, seeing 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 played out in my life and yours with this product and what a fantastic privilege it is to see that inner working of the Lord! 🙌 Blessed be the name of the Lord, who allows us to see Him!

Isaiah is my favorite book of the Bible and it says He comes with MIGHT. He is MIGHTY to save. He’s so big that all of Earth is JUST His footstool. Can you imagine?! Your biggest, most comfortable chair. Putting your feet up. Your footstool is so insignificant compared to you and your chair. Earth, all of us and everything in the Earth is God’s footstool. We are so small compared to Him and YET, He loves us and is there for us. Crazy, right?! 

And the same God who saved my eternal soul and yours, can also save me from the massively huge struggles we deal with but instead of asking Him to change my circumstances, I’m learning to ask Him to change ME instead.

My attitude, my heart, my willingness to walk through trials for Him and when I do, through verses like these, I am able to have that genuine peace and rest I so desperately need and focus more on Him and HIS glory. 

These Hand Lettering Verses for Strength are perfect to not only encourage you, but help you realize what a BIG God we serve. They will strengthen your heart as you write them upon your heart. 💖

I’ve also taken the time to take it a step further and encourage your heart with tiny little devotionals/encouraging words within some of the sheets themselves also. Your heart is SURE to be strengthened and best of all, this is absolutely free!!!

Pages include: 

  • King of Kings and Lord of Lords – Revelation 19:16
  • Behold, the Lord God Comes with Might – Isaiah 40:10
  • Heaven is my Throne, and the Earth is my Footstool – Isaiah 66:1
  • For the Word of God is Living and Active Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword – Hebrews 4:12
  • For the Lord Your God is the One Who Goes With You to Fight for You Against Your Enemies to Give You Victory – Deuteronomy 20:4
  • Practice Hand Lettering Lower Case Alphabet {7 Pages}
  • Practice Hand Lettering Upper Case Alphabet {7 Pages}
  • Practice Words with Glyphs (Tails) – {2 Pages}

Hand Lettering Verses for Strength Workbook

Download the Hand Lettering Verses for Strength Workbook here.



Hand Lettering Verses for Strength Workbook



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