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HomeDebt FreeStarting A Pressure Washing Side Hustle (It Can Make You THOUSANDS)

Starting A Pressure Washing Side Hustle (It Can Make You THOUSANDS)

There are many different side hustles that can earn you hundreds or thousands a month. While many of these are online, some people are extroverted or prefer working outside. If that’s you, then a pressure washing side hustle might be for you.

Of course, this side hustle takes a little more elbow grease and marketing than other side hustles, but it can pay off in a big way! Keep reading to see if starting a pressure washing side hustle is right for you!

Related: 15 Ways to Make Money Outdoors

Should you start a pressure washing side hustle?Is pressure washing a good side hustle?

So is powerwashing a good side hustle?

It can be, especially if you like meeting new people and working outside. And, even though it takes slightly more capital to start than an online business or service business, it’s not as expensive as other side hustles to start.

In fact, many people can start their pressure washing business for less than $1,500 (and in some cases less than $1,000!).

Related: How To Save Money as a Business Owner: 4 Tips To Follow!

Can you pressure wash year-round?

That depends on where you live and the climate. In certain cases, like in the north or midwest, it’s not advisable to pressure wash year-round. This is because the machines get too cold and can freeze. And, it can be dangerous to break off the ice from homes, plus it’s easy to slip around on ice and snow.

But, if you live in a climate that is nice and fairly dry throughout the year, you can certainly make this a year-round side hustle.

Related: A Short Guide to Starting Your Own Side Hustle

Is pressure washing a good business in the winter?

Again, that depends on where you live and what the climate is like. A good rule of thumb is; if where you live snows or drops below freezing during the day, it’s not advisable to be open during the winter.

Also, if you live in a hot area, but it has a rainy season, it’s also not the best option for a year-round business. Focus on building your business during the dry months.

How much can I make with a pressure washing business?

How much can you make with a pressure washing business? How much is the likely pressure washing business income?

According to Forbes, you could make an average of $192-$401 per job. These jobs typically take a few hours, and profit will depend on many factors; including where you live and if you work alone or with contractors/employees.

Some people charge by the hour and some charge per job. It’s up to you on how much you want to charge and how, but of course, your customers, and the market you’re in, will be the top deciding factors.

If you choose to charge hourly, many new contractors start at $25-$30 an hour, working their way up to as much as $80-$100 an hour. But many will also charge a flat rate fee based on the skill needed and the size of the house as they grow, so they aren’t penalized for working fast and efficiently.

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How profitable can a pressure washing business be?

Is a pressure washing business really profitable? What level of profitability?

As profitable as you want and as your market allows! Obviously, the more competition, especially in areas where winter and snow happen, the less you could make. The same goes for if you plan to expand or not. It’s much easier to make more money when you have people working with or for you.

However, as a side hustle, the average pressure washer makes anywhere from $500-$2,000 extra a month. Keep in mind that this only means a few days of work, and you could certainly earn more if you choose to do so.

Related: How to Manage Time at Work With a Side Hustle

successful startupsCan you make a living off of pressure washing?

Yes, and many people do. But it will take hard work, dedication, and getting your name out there.

Customers are everything, and so is word of mouth. Plus, you’ll need to focus on putting money into the side hustle and business to upgrade equipment that could make your job easier.

Basically, you get what you give. If you focus on your side hustle and make it a priority, you could easily make a few thousand extra a year, and up to six figures if you decide to take it full time.

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How do I start a soft washing business?

First, let’s talk about the difference between soft washing and pressure washing.

The biggest difference between pressure washing and soft washing is pressure washing has high-pressure water that blasts away dirt and grime. But soft washing uses lower pressures to clean.

While one isn’t better than the other, they do require different types of equipment. So if you’d rather focus on soft washing, you can read the below steps on getting started, and just find the right tools for that.

You could also offer both, which some side hustlers do, although it will be more expensive!

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Is it easy to start a pressure washing business?

Yes, as long as you follow the proper steps. Here’s how to start your own pressure washing business.

Learn How To Pressure Wash

Pressure washing involves chemicals and pressure that can ruin a house or business if you’re not careful. To avoid shattering your customer’s windows or breaking panels of wood, learn how to do it correctly.

There are pressure washing courses you can try, or you can get on-the-job experience by working for another company. And of course, practice makes perfect! So ask friends and family if you can practice on their homes before working on a paying customer.

Related: Increase Your Wealth (While Increasing Your Knowledge!)

Set Up Your Pressure Washing Business

Ready to make your business official? Well, there are a few things you still need. Let’s talk about them.

A Business Name

For people to know what to look up and how to find you, they need to know the name of your pressure washing business.

It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it shouldn’t be so basic that it can get lost in other businesses. For example, “Pressure Washing Pros” may be too simple, but “Jimmy Smith’s Super Awesome Pressure Washing Co” is too long and difficult to remember. Keep it simple, clean, and catchy.

Related: The Top 6 Reasons Why You Need A Side Hustle

Business Plan for starting an online businessRegister Your Business

In most counties, you can run your business as a sole proprietor, so you don’t need to register it. But registering your business can help you with tax benefits, keeping everything legal, and protecting your personal assets.

In that case, you may want to look into starting a:

  • C Corporation
  • S Corporation
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Each option has its pros and cons, so you should talk to both a tax professional and lawyer to see what would work best for you.

Get Paperwork Out Of The Way

Of course, to start a business, you need the right paperwork. Depending on your city, county, and state, this could include getting a;

  • Business License
  • Bond
  • Sales Tax Registration
  • Permits specific to your business and area
  • Insurance – including liability, equipment, car/truck, and workers insurance if you have contractors.
  • A business bank account

You may need some or all of these depending on where you live. To make it easier, talk to someone in your Secretary of State’s office.

Related: The Pros and Cons of Owning a Small Business

Get The Right Equipment

While the tools you need will vary, here are the most common ones that pressure washing businesses and experts recommend.

Pressure Washing Business Start Up Kit
  • A vehicle that can carry all of your tools and machinery, plus a sticker or car wrap that shows off your business (if you can afford it)
  • Hot water units – At least 18 HP so you can clean surfaces quickly
  • High power washers – At least 3,000 PSI and above
  • A generator
  • Tips with different angles
  • Water hoses for both low-pressure and high-pressure cleaning
  • Nozzles
  • Surface cleaners
  • Extension wands — to reach high or hard to get to places
  • Chemicals and soaps for cleaning

Of course, be sure to research exactly what you’ll need for your area. That way, you aren’t wasting money on items you don’t need, and are keeping a decent stock of what you do so you don’t disappoint customers.

Start a businessLearn How To Market

No one will know about your business if you don’t put it out there!

First, you need to set up your brand identity (including your business logo, colors, and tagline). From there you can set up a website and social media channels to make it easy for people to find you. No one wants to work with a business without a referral or who is lacking a website. And these days, it’s cheap to start one. Plus, social media is FREE and anyone can use it!

Be sure to post pictures of your services, customer testimonials, and any deals you may be running. And if you can, put pricing front and center and make it easy for customers to book estimates or cleanings. Don’t make it hard for people to pay you.

And of course, don’t forget about offline marketing.

  • Flyers,
  • door hangers,
  • and even referrals/word of mouth can make a huge difference in a local business.

Related: 12 Unique Side Hustles to Boost Your Income

Is It Smart to Start a Pressure Washing Business?

Should you start a power washing business? 

Hey, if you like pressure washing, if you’re good at it, and you want to make some extra money, then absolutely it’s smart to start a pressure washing side hustle! You’ll have fun and you’ll make money in the process! What’s better than that?

It’s Time To Start A Pressure Washing Side Hustle

As you can see, it’s not hard to start a pressure washing side hustle. It just takes a little time, energy, and capital. If you’re able to take it slow and learn the ropes, you can be well on your way to making thousands each month!

Are you ready to start a pressure washing side hustle? What’s holding you back?

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AUTHOR Kimberly Studdard

Kim Studdard is a project manager for online entrepreneurs and small businesses. When she isn’t spending time with her daughter and husband, or reading her growing pile of horror books, you’ll find her working on her HR degree and working towards FIRE.



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