Wednesday, July 6, 2022
HomeMoney SavingFrom being wired to spend to the emotional attachment to money, Shaun...

From being wired to spend to the emotional attachment to money, Shaun Maslyk unpacks how psychology can affect finances

Despite all the personal finance information I consumed—and still do—I fell into the rat-race trap. I felt frustrated and stuck. I realized it was time to dive deeper into my relationship with money to really find out what I wanted.  

After taking the time to explore things—like how money actually made me feel, what emotions it evoked, what I learned from my parents around money, the role money played in my house as a child, what my relationship with money was, how I used money—I discovered and recognized my own money story. 

I started to uncover my true values. I realized how I was spending my time and how my money wasn’t in line with the most important things to me, and that the last thing I needed was more personal finance information. My soul was seeking more than “how to save more” and “how to invest more.”

I believe when we understand our relationship with money and know what’s important to us, our entire framework around finances changes in a healthy manner. It’s there, from that healthy space, that we can experience financial independence.

What’s the worst money advice you’ve ever received?

Anything that starts out with “if you wanna double your money quickly, do this…” For many, getting rich quickly has always been this cool, sexy aspiration. It seems as though, with our emerging love for instant gratification—thanks social media!—making money and doubling your money isn’t good to do if it takes time. Instead, we obsess over finding ways, strategies, and programs—you name it—that promise to get you rich quickly. 

Not only is it bad advice when someone promises you instant or quick above-average returns, but it focuses us on the wrong things. Money wasn’t—and isn’t—the purpose of life. Sure, it is essential and makes life easier; however, when we are obsessing over how much money we need to make, we forget to do the very thing that makes life “rich” and enjoyable to live. 

Let’s first find out what we want from this beautiful life, and then use appropriate and proven tools such as investing that have worked for decades to enjoy the process and stop fixating on the end. Because, when does the end really come? All we have is the process or the journey.  

Would you rather receive a large sum of money all at once or a smaller amount regularly for life? 

So many variables! Keeping it simple, leaving out taxes, time value or money, etc., I would take the lump sum. I would spend a little bit on my family and friends, take a couple of fantastic trips and then set up a smaller monthly income for life. 



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