Monday, July 11, 2022
HomeMoney SavingA Peek Into This Past Week (+ 4 goals for this week)

A Peek Into This Past Week (+ 4 goals for this week)

We celebrated the fourth of July with a fun day with friends — ending with watching a nearby fireworks show from a parking lot.

He has so much hair and it cracks me up when he wakes up with his hair all sticking up!

His little wrinkled brow!

I still can’t believe that I’ve been consistently able to pump at least 4-6 extra oz. every morning after Micah’s first feed. I usually use some of it for a bottle for him sometime during the day, but then I’ve been freezing the rest! After always having a low supply, this has just been amazing!

Look at D! He started trying to take a few steps this past week!

I love this shirt from Goods & Better!

His face while being squished by two of his sisters is the funniest!

We’ve been loving our evening walks!

Micah had another weight check and we were thrilled that he gained back all his birth weight plus an additional ounce!! He’s almost 7 pounds now!

C got to meet Micah this past week when we watched him his mom worked.

D finally got his orthotics in!

Need a smile today? Go watch this.

I took the last four weeks off from any real goal-setting since my big goals were just to have the baby and rest and recover. But now that I’m feeling so much better, I’m excited to slowly jump back into goal-setting.

My 4 Goals for This Week

Personal/Family Goals

  • Delete 1000 photos and videos from my phone.
  • Take Kaitlynn on a date.

Reading Goals

Business Goals

  • Finish my second round of book edits.



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