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HomeWealth ManagementGood Financial Reads: Managing Money in Retirement

Good Financial Reads: Managing Money in Retirement

managing money in retirement

Investment Buckets During Retirement

by Keith Spencer, Spencer Financial Planning

How should I be invested during retirement? Where will my spending money come from? What happens if the stock markets go down? Are my investments safe enough?

Questions like these can be very confusing.

Let’s see if we can frame this topic in a helpful way.

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How to Monitor Your Savings to Increase Spending in Retirement

by Massimiliano De Santis, DESMO Wealth Advisors

Last week we discussed the basic rationale for developing a safe withdrawal rate. Historically, balanced portfolios have been able to sustain withdrawals of at least 4% of initial value, adjusted for inflation — “the 4% rule.” However, most of the time, higher rates are sustainable. But how can we know if a higher rate is sustainable? This week we look at what determines differences in withdrawal rates and suggest ways to monitor performance to balance the need for safety with the ability to spend more from the portfolio. 

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How to Plan for Healthcare in Retirement

by Justin Pritchard, Approach Financial

For most people, healthcare is an employer-provided benefit during your working years. Unless you’re self-employed, you’ve probably received healthcare benefits from an employer. At retirement, that may change. It’s crucial to understand how much healthcare costs in retirement and how you’ll pay for healthcare in retirement.

With this information, you’re better prepared to plan, and you’ll understand how to save for healthcare costs. 

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Safe Retirement Spending and the 4% Rule

by Massimiliano De Santis, DESMO Wealth Advisors

You may have heard that withdrawing 4% of your initial portfolio value adjusted for inflation each year is a safe strategy to make sure your savings last through retirement. But where does the 4% come from? And is this still a good rule?

How much you can withdraw from your savings over time depends on the amount you have saved, your planning horizon, and the returns you are going to experience over time. The more you have saved, the shorter the time horizon, and the greater the returns over time, the greater the amount you can withdraw. What makes things complicated in retirement is that we don’t know future returns or the length of the planning horizon.

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