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How to Reach the Heart of Your Teen When Raising A Teenager of the 21st Century

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your teenager is happy and healthy.

But sometimes it can be difficult raising a teenager of the 21st century and knowing what to do to bust through those brick walls.

Here are some tips for growing your relationship with your child to reach the heart of your teen!

Why Your Teen Needs You Now More Than Ever

As you know, raising a teenager has its ups and downs.

Even more so for your teenager, who is going through a lot of incredible changes physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Their bodies are changing, their emotions are all over the place, and they’re trying to figure out who they are. It’s a tough time for them, poor things, and they need you now more than ever!

Showing your support and being there for them will help them immensely.

They Need You To Lend a Listening Ear

Your teenager might not always want to talk to you, but it’s important that you’re there for them when they need to vent. They think they’re the only ones going through these changes, but you were once a teenager too.

You can offer them guidance and support by just lending a listening ear. Sometimes all they need is someone to talk to who will actually listen to them without judgment.

Let them know that you’re always available to listen, without judgement. This will help them feel more comfortable coming to you with problems.

They Need You To Be Their Personal Cheerleader and #1 Fan

The heart of your teen can be narrowed down to one thing: self-confidence. Your teenager is probably extremely self-conscious and unsure of themselves.

That’s why they need you to be their personal cheerleader and number one fan. Showing them that you believe in them will help them gain the confidence they need to get through these tough years.

Here are some ways you can show your teen that you’re their number one fan when raising a teen:

  • Encourage their interests and hobbies
  • Compliment them often
  • Praise their accomplishments, big or small
  • Make them feel special and loved

They Need You To Be Their Parent, Not Their Friend

It’s important to have a good relationship with your teenager, but it’s even more important that you’re their parent first and foremost. They need you to set boundaries and rules, and to enforce them. 

They also need you to be a role model for them. Show them what it means to be a responsible, respectful, and caring person.

Being their parent doesn’t mean you can’t be friends, but it does mean that you have to put your role as their parent first.

When you’re raising a teenager, know that they still need your gentle love and direction to navigate through life. They get this solid guidance from a parent first, before a friend.

They Need You To Give Them Space

As much as your teenager needs you, they also need some space. They’re trying to figure out who they are and they need time to do that on their own.

So give them some space. Let them go out with their friends, explore their interests, and make their own mistakes.

Of course, you should still be there for them when they need you, but giving them some space will help them grow into independent adults.

They Need You To Be Patient

Patience is key when raising a teenager. They’re going to test your limits and push your buttons. But it’s important to remember that they’re still learning and growing. They’re not trying to be difficult (usually), they just need some extra patience and understanding.

Try to see things from their perspective and remember that they’re going through a lot of changes. This will help you be more patient with them.

They Need You To Love Them Unconditionally

Your teen needs your unconditional love. When raising a teenager, they need to know that no matter what, you love them and you’ll always be there for them.

Let them know that you love them no matter what, and that you’ll always be there for them. This will help them feel loved and supported, and it will give them the strength to get through these tough years.

No matter what your teen is going through, remember that they need you now more than ever. Showing your support and being there for them will help them immensely.

Tips For Raising A Teenager to Reach Their Hearts

Being a teenager is tough, and raising a teenager may be just as difficult. Teens are dealing with all sorts of new emotions and changes, both physical and mental. It’s a lot to handle, and it’s no wonder that so many teenagers feel lost and alone.

That’s where parents come in.

It’s important to remember that your teen still needs you, even if they don’t always show it. They might act like they don’t want your help or advice, but deep down they need your support more than ever.

So be there for them.

Listen to them, even if they’re not always easy to talk to.

Offer your help and advice when they need it, but also respect their independence.

And above all, let them know that you love them no matter what. These teenage years can be tough, but with your help they’ll get through them just fine.

Here are a few tips you can follow to reach the heart of your teen:

1. Be open and honest with them

It’s important that you create an environment of trust and openness with your teen. Don’t try to hide things from them (unless it’s wise to do so in certain situations) or guard yourself from them in a stand-off-ish way. They need to feel like they can come to you. Be approachable.

Tell them (and show them through actions and patterns) that you have THEIR best interest at heart. Explain WHY you’re doing things the way you are or WHY you made the decision you made. One time my daughter got so mad at me, she sought revenge on me. Now she’s not a spiteful person by nature, but she was SO upset. 

What I failed to realize in that moment is that, as a teen, fully capable of understanding things, I didn’t explain anything to her. I just “laid down the law” and that was it. After talking through it with her, showing her the entire scope of things, she then agreed that my decision WAS the best decision. My judgment was in error for not taking the time to explain things to her initially. 

Your teens are fully capable of understanding. Talk to them. Show them why you’re deciding something. Not because you have to defend yourself, but because you want to live in peace and more importantly because you want them to learn how to make those kinds of decisions on their own as well!

2. Get involved in their activities

Show a genuine interest in the things they’re passionate about and have them help you with things you’re passionate about too. This will help you connect with them on a deeper level.

An example would be with my teens. They help with this business in a couple different ways. When I’m making pins, sometimes, I’ll ask my daughter to help me with colors (she’s good at it). She’s also starting to create some digital stickers and is enjoying it. As a result of helping ME, SHE is finding things SHE likes. With my son, he helps me find Scriptures sometimes or proof articles. He likes that.

Get them involved and be involved in their lives too!

2. Be there for them

When raising a teenager, they need not feel so alone. Let them know that you’re always available to talk, no matter what it is they need to talk about. If you see them struggling with something, ask questions. Not in a grilling way, but in a loving, truly caring way. They will see and understand that you care and be more apt to share with you in the future.

3. Be patient

Teens can be unpredictable (RIGHT!), so it’s important to be patient with them. Remember that they’re going through a lot of changes and they may not always know how to express themselves.

4. Encourage open communication

Let them know that you’re open to talking about anything, no matter how difficult it may be. In our house, we have family meetings.

Everyone gets to talk and share and ask any questions they want. No question is off limits and it really helps them walk away feeling HEARD and cared about.

This will help build trust between you and your teen.

5. Respect their privacy

It’s important to respect your teenager’s privacy, even if you don’t agree with everything they’re doing. A good thing to start doing if you don’t already, to show respect is to knock on their door before you open it. This will show them that you trust and care about them.

By following these tips, you can help build a strong and healthy relationship with your teenager and you both will grow closer as a result.



How to Reach the Heart of Your Teen When Raising A Teenager of the 21st Century



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