Wednesday, August 24, 2022
HomeWealth ManagementEase the pain of portfolio rebalancing with next-generation systems

Ease the pain of portfolio rebalancing with next-generation systems

The challenge is only amplified by the diversity of accounts an individual client might have – including TFSAs, RRSPs, margin accounts, and cash accounts – at any given time; practices that offer holistic investment planning for members of the same household face another layer of complexity.

Beyond that, fiduciary portfolio managers must do what they can to minimize transaction costs, accommodate different types of investment vehicles, and ensure strategies are executed in the most tax-efficient fashion possible.

For investment professionals who are still using antiquated systems and tools, the task of portfolio rebalancing might feel like a quiet thief, taking away time and resources from what truly matters: deepening client relationships, elevating their practice, and ensuring the long-term continuity and growth of their business.

On September 6, Wealth Professional will hold a free webinar with two experts from Montreal-based wealthtech firm Croesus to discuss the value-added features of next-generation portfolio rebalancing systems. 

Matthieu Cardinal, vice president of business development and strategic partnerships, and Michael Blicker, senior product manager, will discuss different capabilities and strategies that can help advisors address common challenges in portfolio rebalancing, including:



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