Thursday, August 25, 2022
HomeWealth ManagementFor Scott MacKinnon, the future of the business is hybrid

For Scott MacKinnon, the future of the business is hybrid

With the ability to work remotely and from home, MacKinnon says people have become more accessible and responsive than ever before. However, he also believes that it has gotten somewhat harder to communicate effectively in today’s workplace.

In the end, he says that the industry will benefit most from a wider use of new technology, even as he maintains that doing things in-person and face-to-face, rather than going trough the back-and-forth of emails, is a more effective way to accomplish and discuss things.

“Overall, I think the wholesaler world is shifting towards a hybrid model of being on the road and also being virtual,” MacKinnon says. “It’ll be all about the wholesaler’s ability to adapt their messaging and their approach to the advisor’s needs.”

To see MacKinnon’s full interview feature with Wealth Professional, click here.



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