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HomeMoney MakingThe Allure of Selling Feet Pics Online

The Allure of Selling Feet Pics Online

A quick perusal through various social media pages nowadays can find people selling feet pictures and those looking to buy them. There is a multitude of sites and sources for feet pictures. TikTok is one trying to convince multiple users to sell their feet pics. Just how lucrative is it?

The answer is complex because it depends on several factors, including where the pictures are sold, the type of photo, and how the images are promoted. For some, it garners thousands of dollars in extra income each month. There are factors to consider on both sides, and learning how to do it is another factor.

The Whys of Selling Feet Pics

Many people might be asking: why feet pics? Where did the idea come from, and why do so many people do it? The answer is simple: it’s an easy way to make money, and anyone can do it. All that is needed is a decent camera or smartphone to take pictures, inexpensive lighting, and the Internet.

Ashley Garabed, of Lake Worth, FL, is someone who knows the allure of selling feet pictures online.

“I have sold feet pics a few times. Honestly, people with foot fetishes pay the best money,” she says. ‘It is nice because most of the time, you do not have to include any other nudity aside from your feet. They will ask for toes, soles, dirty feet; some even buy smelly socks.”

Jo Barnes, a British-born digital nomad, gave up a regular job and started traveling the world with her partner. On her blog, Your Lifestyle Business, she features a detailed guide on how to sell feet pics.

She notes that’s it not just individuals with foot fetishes purchasing these photos, highlighting how many businesses need stock photos to promote their businesses, such as shoe companies, reflexology specialists, foot jewelry sellers, and health websites.

“In fact, I realized myself that over the years, I’ve taken many ‘foot’ photos to creatively present my own business lifestyle,” she writes on her blog. “I began to wonder if I could make money selling feet pics to utilize the photos I had and was surprised to discover that there are many ways to start selling feet pictures online!”

Therefore, do not rule out selling to stock photos sites such as, particularly those not inclined to work within the fetish world or do not want to deal with private clients and requests.

How To Do It

There isn’t just one place to sell feet pics online; there are many options! Here are some sites one can use to sell feet pics online.

FeetFinder – Often listed as one of the leading sites, foot models can be left anonymous, clients can request customized photos (which bring in more money), and payouts are weekly.

Creators on the site made over 90,000 in 2021, and the site features over 300,000 creators. Also, the site chooses a model getting the most sales and features them for more exposure. They charge a 20% commission to use the site on anything a creator sells.

Instafeet – A newer private social platform where pictures are only available to subscribers, so they are not open to the public. Foot models are paid on the number of subscribers they have on the site. Pay ranges between $5 and $100 per image. Sign-up is free for those wanting to sell feet photos.

TikTok – Of course, one of the highest sources of sales comes from the website TikTok. According to this article in The Cut, hashtags like #FeetFeetFeet have been viewed 93.1 million times. An actual content creator on TikTok includes Sarah Jalees, who created a course and made videos to help others get started in the world of selling feet pics.

Finding the right photo angle and hashtag and attracting attention seem to be the keys to success when viewing her videos.

Garabed’s sources are OnlyFansTwitterReddit, and Instagram, in addition to the ones already mentioned. While her family doesn’t have an issue with her side hustle (her mom even inquired about how to get started), she understands others having to deal with naysayers unsupportive of this way of making money.

She recommends not worrying about them. “They do not pay your bills, so their opinion does not matter,” she says. “Feet is one of the most common fetishes, and there is a lot of money in it. It is less of a stigma than nudes, I suppose.”

Lastly, don’t rule out the creation of a private website on your own. It’s relatively easy to start your own website and those who don’t have to pay the middleman or other website any portion of earnings when posting feet pictures online. This would be a good option for those wanting the most control over their images and maximizing their profits.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The Savvy Budget Boss, a website and blog by Cheryl, aims to help people turn bad money habits into good money habits, including profiling side hustles to increase income. It also features a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to sell feet pics, including everything from avoiding scammers, pros and cons, poses to use, how to photograph them, and a list of websites to use.

She points to the following pros or advantages of selling feet pics, including:

  • Doing it anonymously
  • Sell the same photo on the multiple sites
  • Low start-up investment
  • High demand for high-income potential

Disadvantages of selling feet pics are:

  • Be cautious of scammers
  • Be wary of people looking for personal info
  • Lots of competition
  • It may take time to build up followers
  • Embarrassment to tell others about the side hustle

“The disadvantages would be trying to market yourself online to find a following, especially if you are trying to remain anonymous,” Garabed says. “It can also be tedious and annoying if you just are not feeling it, do not have your toes done, or they make crazy requests.” One of those crazy requests? It was someone asking her friend to yell hateful things to bugs as she would squish them barefoot—which her friend denied.

Feet are not for everyone or every taste. However, for those looking for some extra income who aren’t afraid to think outside the box, selling feet pictures may just be what they are looking for. Before venturing into the alluring world of selling feet pics, understanding the drawbacks is essential. Just make sure to put your best foot forward!

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This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

Kelley Dukat is a freelance writer, photographer, and event planner currently based in the United States. She has spent the last year as a nomad traveling and house-sitting. She holds a Journalism degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder and previously served as a trade magazine editor. Her favorites include dog-friendly travel, road trips, and nomad life. She is currently working on a memoir and a series of personal essays.



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