Saturday, September 24, 2022
HomeWealth ManagementRIA Edge Podcast: Lisa Salvi on The Secrets of Top-Performing RIAs

RIA Edge Podcast: Lisa Salvi on The Secrets of Top-Performing RIAs

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The RIA industry has experienced a significant amount of growth in recent years—but a handful of firms have found the keys to driving sustainable, long-term growth that will set them up for success in the future?

What are the “secrets” to becoming a top-performing RIA? In this episode of RIA Edge, Mark Bruno, managing director at Informa Wealth Management, speaks with Lisa Salvi, managing director at Schwab Advisor Services, about the results of Schwab’s 2022 RIA benchmarking study, and offers insights into the human capital and professional management approaches driving the growth of the industry’s top firms. 

 Mark and Lisa discuss:

  • Benchmarking growth in the RIA channel and the drivers of growth for the top 25% of the RIA industry
  • The intense battle for talent in the RIA segment, and how top-performers are successfully recruiting and retaining talent
  • The positions and skill sets that are the most sought after in the RIA market—and how it aligns with current and future growth opportunities
  • From a compensation perspective, the labor market has influenced both compensation levels, as well as the structure of compensation packages



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