Tuesday, September 27, 2022
HomeAccountingBoomer's Blueprint: Uncertainty, leadership, adaptability, resources

Boomer’s Blueprint: Uncertainty, leadership, adaptability, resources

Uncertainty. The capital markets don’t like it, nor do most professionals or their clients. The current talent market, new technology, interest from private equity, and now the Inflation Reduction Act continue to bring more uncertainty to our profession.

While resiliency is important, adaptability is required to move forward into new opportunities. Professionals and firms who have an updated vision and plan have an advantage. While this is a leadership responsibility, firm leaders should delegate tasks to a project or process manager to ensure timely results. The following provides perspective.

Amanda Wilkie holds multiple certifications in project management, process management and technology. She understands the accounting profession and clarified the differences between engagement, project and process managers in a recent article, “Project management, engagement management & process management.”

Many of the skills are similar, but the focus differs. Project managers tend to focus on projects with a beginning and end, while process managers concentrate on processes, workflow and continuous improvement. Engagement managers are more client-focused, aiming to maximize client satisfaction and the firm’s revenue and profitability. The firm can outsource some tasks while automating other processes and workflows.

All organizations and professions are being challenged. With challenges come opportunities that require different mindsets. Your approach impacts you and your firm in the necessary time, money and relationships investments. Adaptability requires a multidimensional approach that goes beyond coping and leads to personal growth.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons people are leaving the accounting profession. Has your personal vision changed over the past two years? Has your firm’s vision changed? Have you taken the time to think, draft and communicate these visions? Or have you been too busy just coping and surviving? Many people have been making that assessment. Shouldn’t you?

Some essential factors influencing your thinking are age, location, experiences, unique abilities, and access to resources. The accompanying table provides one or more examples in the areas of leadership, talent, technology, processes and growth. We refer to these as the Five Pillars (see below), and when integrated, firms have an advantage, regardless of size. The purpose of the table is to get you thinking about your situation and your firm’s future. With each pillar, determine who is responsible and what your firm’s next step should be.

Boomer -- 5 Pillars

The format simplifies, improves communications, stimulates thinking, and promotes collaboration. You should also establish priorities, boundaries, responsibilities and accountability to achieve timely results.

The sidebar is a simplified model intended to stimulate thinking and discussion. Don’t procrastinate — act now!

Many firm leaders will ask, “Why is this important, and how do we ‘transform’ to avoid returning to the ‘status quo’?” This is where mindsets and knee-jerk reactions differ.

Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach states, “The formula to achieve bigger goals through accelerating teamwork is who, not how.” Check out his recent book by that title. You should involve internal and external “whos” to accelerate and ensure success.

 If you are still skeptical, I suggest reading a recent McKinsey article: “Future proof: Solving the ‘adaptability paradox’ for the long term.” A summary of McKin­sey’s five ways leaders can invest in adaptability to prepare for a fast-paced and uncertain future are:

1. Practice well-being as a foundational skill.
2. Make purpose your North Star and define your nonnegotiables.
3. Experience the world through an adaptability lens.
4. Build deep and more diverse connections.
5. Make it safe to learn.

Many firms become paralyzed due to the complexity, multiple visions, and competition for limited resources. Now is the time to update your vision and plan. If done correctly, it will help retain and attract the best talent and clients. Please remember that this is not a natural skill and must be nurtured.

Think — plan — grow!



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