Thursday, October 13, 2022
HomeFinancial AdvisorThe Emotional Balance Sheet Podcast – The Most Important Financial Question to...

The Emotional Balance Sheet Podcast – The Most Important Financial Question to Ask – Pragmatic Capitalism

From Paul Fenner at The Emotional Balance Sheet Podcast:

Am I providing my family with the best possible life I can? 

That was the question that Cullen Roche, an accomplished author, writer, and expert in global macroeconomics, behavioral finance, and monetary theory, brought to our attention during our conversation.

We also discussed the topic of inflation, what it is, how to understand it, and where it is going.  Do you ever wonder why the US government is not bankrupt because of the national debt?  It’s because the US government is not your average household, and we talk about why that is too. 

Cullen and I also discuss the critical aspects that a wealth advisor provides, which do not involve stereotypical investment management.  There is nothing sexy about helping people to allocate their savings to support their wealth management plans.  However, it is rewarding life work to see families have the protection they need from unforeseen circumstances and help them through the transition of retirement or putting their kids through college.

The most interesting part of our conversation for me focused on defining what is “enough?” As Cullen put it, if we could simply put into perspective what we already have, our definition of “enough” would look wildly different than it currently does today.

And as a parent, listen to Cullen’s closing remarks on how being a parent for him is like re-living his youth.

Please enjoy my conversation with Cullen Roche.

Cullen Roche

Pragmatic Capitalism: What Every Investor Needs To Know About Money And Finance

Josh Brown – Just Like That It’s Over

Three Minute Money

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