Contact forms have so many advantages on the websites. It often saves us from spam, let’s people send us requests 24/7 and gives us the ability to ask the future client specific questions that will make the purchase process easier and faster.
And it’s also great for any kind of website, not significantly for e-commerce. For example, it could work wonders for an intranet.
And in this specific article, you’ll find useful tips that will make your contact form even more perfect. And no matter if you run an e-commerce website or not.
#1. Choose the Layout Wisely
First of all, you’ll need to add labels to your fields – this is very important. Because how else will people know what to write in those fields? The best way to do it is to place the labels above the fields. There is a new trend where the labels are put into the field itself to minimize the form more, but this might confuse a lot of people.
Secondly, never ever split your form into more than one column – try to keep it as much as one field per row. Otherwise, a big part of people trying to fill the form will get confused and miss the fields who are not in the first column.
Also, try to foresee the amount of characters that will be needed for a field, so you don’t make it too short or too long. For example, if the field is meant for a name, then probably the person filling it won’t need fifty characters for it.
#2. Minimize the Number of Fields
Try to keep your contact form as short as possible. Because the more fields you’ll have, the more likely it is that fewer people will find the patience to fill it for you.
It is often stated that the optimum number of fields is no more than three. If possible – try to play by this rule, but if not, try to at least minimize the number of fields.
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#3. Try to Skip the Captcha Part
This might seem weird for you at first, because everybody is so much into Captchas lately and everybody uses it. It depends on how you look at it. It’s true that it can save you loads of time and save you from annoying spam.
But on the other hand, if your website does not have a lot of visitors yet, it is proven that a Captcha will lower the rate of filled forms. It’s also proven that Captcha is getting less and less irritating, but it still is.
So, if you aren’t attacked by spam non-stop, you might consider trying this out as a new strategy. At least try it for a few weeks – and see if it changes anything. Maybe you’ll receive more spam, but the number of filled forms will make it worth it.
#4. Don’t Use Hard to Read Fonts and Annoying Colors
Avoid fonts that are hard to read. Especially if you have more than three fields because people will get really tired and bored trying to read it and guessing what it might say.
Also try not to use too bright, irritating colors or annoying color combinations. Because who will want to fill a form that looks so unappealing and irritates to their eyes?
#5. Change Your “Submit” Button
Try to change the word “submit” into something new and more original. This might actually work as additional motivation for some people, especially if the button helps them understand what will happen at the next step.
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#6. Try to Avoid Asking for Any Information That Requires Digits
Especially phone numbers and other numbers that need to be remembered by heart. First of all, people are not as trusting as you may think. It’s very likely that a big part of people will not want to give out their phone number.
Some won’t because they want to avoid spam, and some won’t because of a lack of trust and other personal reasons. Even worse, if the person who is trying to fill the form does not know it by heart – then he will have to look for it. And this is the part where most of the people leave the form. So, you gotta ask yourself: “do I really need that phone number?”.
#7. Use the Right Placement
And the last thing, but not any less important is to place your contact form in a visible location. If your website is in form of a landing page, then never place it at the bottom of it. Always have a visible place on your website that leads to the contact form.
And of course, in order to get more forms filled, you need more people to visit your website.