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HomeMoney MakingComparing the Top 10 VDRs on the Market Today

Comparing the Top 10 VDRs on the Market Today

Reading Time: 5 mins

The virtual room is an innovative system of cloud services, which is actively developing in businesses of all levels to store and transfer information. With VDR, the network community provides access to its data from anywhere in the world. In this case, the client is protected from unauthorized access, because any information is stored on the servers, both on the server side and in the user cloud.

For many companies, VDR is the most efficient way to store, process and share corporate information, both locally and in the cloud. VDR provides companies with virtually unlimited access to stored data and quick access to information from anywhere in the world.  

About VDR

What is a virtual data room? It is a specialized complex that integrates core technologies: virtualization, servers, applications, and cloud computing. The use of a virtual room as a data repository allows enterprise users to significantly increase the efficiency of computing capacity utilization, as well as the availability and continuity of mission-critical services. 

The VDR has a number of compelling advantages to creating a more secure environment for data storage and processing, while corporate users are able to install and configure the tools they need.

Basically, the right VDR is the one that can keep your data safe. However, you should consider other factors that are important to your success. Be sure to assess your company’s needs first, as well as the type of transaction you plan to conduct through a VDR and make a virtual data room price comparison

Features an Electronic Data Room Should Have

Users have the following requirements for modern virtual rooms providers:

  • Ease of uploading files to the system and sorting them into folders.
  • Clear functionality for downloading documents and their viewing in the system.
  • Creation of joint working areas and assignment of differently graded roles for the participants.
  • Differentiation of access rights to the documents and limitation of a number of actions with the documents (for example, prohibition to print or download from the space).
  • Ability to share files and folders with colleagues or counterparties by means of generated Links with setting various restrictions (for example, link expiration dates).
  • User-friendly interface.

Information security managers have different requirements. The security of such virtual environments is important and is ensured by well-designed technical characteristics. The functionality of modern virtual rooms allows moderate user actions inside the system and upload activity logs.

Main Representatives of the Market

The dataroom software is designed so that you can not only keep important documents in order but also protect them from all kinds of theft. You may not think about this until you’re planning a major transaction such as an M&A deal or bringing in new venture capital partners. These kinds of transactions require careful attention to data sharing security, and VDR technology has been the best solution for that so far.

Thus, traditional electronic premises software vendors such as Intralinks and Data site will offer you truly tremendous capabilities at a fairly high price point. Their real drawback may be their excessive complexity. 

The most famous market players include:

  •  iDeals. It offers a simple interface and supports more than 25 file formats, which releases the need to prepare special documents.
  • Firmex. You can easily grant and revoke access to any files in the VDR. Easy document uploading and the ability to upload 10GB of files to your desktop or mobile device.
  • Merrill. This provider is the leading Wall Street corporation. Unlike most legacy providers, Merrill is flexible and equipped with a variety of useful features, such as advanced reporting.  
  • Drooms. The priority and pride are first-class data security and compliance provided to teams for large transactions and daily workflows.
  • Intralinks. Simplify due diligence: Organize and share transaction documents and accelerate the due diligence process for mergers and acquisitions by allowing users to access documents from any device, anywhere in the world.
  • DealRoom. This is a VDR provider for M&A, also providing due diligence, private equity, and other services. Operates as a cloud provider.
  • SecureDocs. Extremely user-friendly software with a nice design. The company has a fixed pricing model and offers a 14-day trial.
  • DocSend. Is trusted by 30,000 companies worldwide. Offers a free 14-day trial period for potential subscribers.
  • Anasarda. Offers built-in artificial intelligence that can help you in your decision-making process by providing the data you need.

The vendors successfully adapted to the changes and offered customers its virtual data room for import substitution.

We call a provider “modern” when it has been on the market for the last decade. Popular names here are OneHub, SecureDocs and Ansarada. They are a great example of how electronic data rooms have improved technically over time.

Their main advantage is the cheaper price. But that does not mean that today’s VDRs are inferior to their predecessors. On the contrary, the key features of a modern data room are high-security standards and more than enough convenience. In addition, these VDRs are distinguished by special features that may be necessary for a particular purpose. Thus, you can choose exactly the VDR you need, without unnecessary features and at a more affordable price.

Be Sure to Check the Following Features

An important step in every data room comparison is to check the software used by your target provider. Familiarize yourself with its basic features so you don’t choose an online data room software that can’t provide you with exactly the service you need! Check how many tools it offers in general. They should include at least features such as:

  • multi-function security tools;
  • question and answer module;
  • editing tools;
  • real-time reporting;
  • auto- and re-indexing, etc.

Reliable virtual data room providers will be sure to post their portfolios on their websites. So don’t torture yourself trying to find information about your experience in the industry. Keep in mind that new providers don’t necessarily mean poor quality service. However, when you have a complicated transaction on your mind, choose more experienced providers with VDRs that can handle the complicated tasks.

Positive Review

Don’t miss data room reviews from client companies that have completed a transaction using your target VDR. These posts are very informative because you can learn important details and possible downsides of working with this provider ahead of time. There are small things you should also pay attention to when choosing the right data room. To avoid getting frustrated with the operator you choose, be sure to consider the following:

  1. Overly cheap service. Don’t buy offers that are too sweet, as they may signal limited VDR functionality!
  2. No extra features. Too little feature list can cause problems during your transactions. Lack of downloading or editing emails can have a bad effect on the entire transaction.
  3. No free trial version. The best data room operators will give you a free trial of their services. That way, you can practice everything with your own hands.

Online data room services are now a key tool for securely storing and sharing sensitive data. Of course, you must properly assess your company’s needs and compare different vendors before choosing the one VDR that will bring you success. Follow the simple recommendations, and you will never go wrong with your choice.

DisclaimerMoneyMagpie is not a licensed financial advisor and therefore information found here including opinions, commentary, suggestions or strategies are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only. This should not be considered as financial advice. Anyone thinking of investing should conduct their own due diligence



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