by Hope
It is official, the holiday season is upon us…Happy Halloween everyone!
I’m not a big Halloween fan. There have been years when we handed out candy, but for the most part, other than eating candy corn by the bowlful, I typically ignore Halloween. But tomorrow kicks off my favorite part of the the beginning of the holiday season…a month of gratitude culminating with Thanksgiving!
I thought resurrect an old posting habit and challenge the BAD community to participate in a #monthofgratitude challenge. I have been to the very depths of despair financially. And I have had some really amazing wins financially. And, of course, everything in between.
It’s our mindset, our ability to hold on to HOPE for a better time, a better outcome, a better job. So this challenge is about mindset. Every day, the beginning or the end of the day, post on one (or all) of your social media platforms something that you are grateful for. It can be as simple as the moment of silence you get before the house stirs in the morning. Or that the sun is out after rainy, cold weather. Maybe you got a bonus or raise or new job or second job. Maybe your moody teen said thank you – shocker, I know.
But every day for the month of November, post a gratitude post and tag it with #monthofgratitude and #BADCommunity. I want to come find your posts. Tell me, are you in?!

Hope is a digital marketing manager and foster/adoptive single mom to five kids. She has run her own consulting company for over 15 years and took a leap of faith returning to the corporate world in 2021 to a job and team she loves! Hope began sharing her journey with the BAD community in the Spring of 2015 and feels like she has finally mastered the balance between family first and wise financial decisions.