Changing the dates; forms and functions; under development; and other highlights from our favorite tax bloggers.
Unknown reasons
- AICPA Insights ( An oracle’s question for the profession: Should return due dates be permanently changed to reduce the crunch?
- The Wandering Tax Pro ( Comments about the new 1040 include “still does not completely cover a normal 8½x11 page…God only knows why” and “Form W-2 has expanded, for some unknown reason, to 10 ‘sub-lines’ to separately report a multitude of obscure wage-based income items.”
- Tax Vox ( Congress is considering legislation that may help low-income workers save — but may also miss a chance to end a benefit that allows the very wealthy to accumulate savings tax-free.
- Tax Pro Center ( Where accounting tech is headed next year, including ERP, AI and beefing up MS Office.
- Wolters Kluwer ( Clients might be surprised (to put it mildly) to learn that some of their water-conservation rebates from local utilities may be taxable.
- Procedurally Taxing ( This fifth of a multipart post discusses the Tax Court opinion in Hallmark Research Collective v. Commissioner — and what was wrong with misapplying the stare decisis exception and misconstruing disparagement of deficiency opinions.
Thinking gig
- National Association of Tax Professionals ( The hottest tax questions regarding gig work include withholdings and what period is covered through Sec. 530 relief or by the closing agreement in a VCSP case.
- Sovos ( A pre-season template for reaching first-time 1099-K recipients — those folks who could be a line out your door next season.
- Solutions for CPA Firm Leaders ( Off-site contractors: Should even CPA firms expand their use of these more-affordable people?
Global entries
- TaxProf Blog ( Are companies’ total tax bills paid across all countries in line with global income? And is taxing authority over multinational companies’ income divided among countries coherently and fairly?
- Tax Foundation ( Chile has a lot of pots boiling for tax reform — but how much will any of the proposals help the country in certain metrics and rankings?
- Don’t Mess with Taxes ( Italian retailers prefer cash transactions, which probably explains Italian business owners’ exclaiming “Salute!” to the 2023 draft budget from new far-right Prime Minister Meloni. The plan includes a measure to permit stores and other businesses to refuse e-payments of less than 60 euros.
- Gordon Law ( What to remind them about loss harvesting and crypto.
- TaxConnex ( How do they figure out VAT, anyway?
And keep in mind
- Taxable Talk ( “IRS: Don’t Call Us, Don’t Write Us” — a tale of 60 dial-ins and a correspondence black hole.
- Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ( And “Lawmakers Seek to Extend Tax Break for ‘Research’ That Corporations Use to Develop Frozen Foods, New Beer Flavors, Casino Games and Tax Avoidance.” What flavors?