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That We Should Move towards Privatization, Including the Schools-Part II – Items – Collected Works of Milton Friedman

Item Title
[A Firing Line Debate]: Resolved: That We Should Move towards Privatization, Including the Schools-Part II

DateMay 02, 1986

RightsCopyright held by Stanford University. This copy is provided for educational and research purposes only. No publication, further reproduction, or reuse of copies, beyond fair use, may be made without the express written permission of the Hoover Institution Library & Archives on behalf of Stanford University.


One of the best Firing Line debates. These are well-matched teams, which given the strength of WFB’s team is saying a lot about Messrs. Shanker, Starr, and Honig. WFB opens the proceedings by talking about President Reagan’s privatization efforts in general, but the debaters quickly home in on the schools: What effect would vouchers have on public schools? Would private schools be made to keep troublesome students? Could private schools, if they accepted voucher students, have any religious content? Two samples: Mr. Sowell: “As long as public schools are a monopoly, they will act as all monopolies act towards customers-with contempt.” … Mr. Starr: “I appreciate the subtle message of Mr. Buckley in staging this debate at a public institution which he, or at least Mr. Friedman, might wish to privatize, and which, if it were private, would have set a tuition high enough so that many of you here today could not have afforded to attend.”

Title of Larger Work
Firing Line

Collection Title
Firing Line broadcast records

Friedman, Milton

Starr, Paul

Buckley, William F., Jr.

Sowell, Thomas

Honig, Bill

Shanker, Albert

Buckley, William F., Jr.

Walton, Gary M.

Place RecordedDavis, California, United States

NotesVideo available through Amazon.

DimensionsDuration: 60 minutes

FormatMoving Image

television programs

Record Number80040.934

Hoover IDProgram S0689



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