Sunday, January 8, 2023
HomeFinanceBIG news! My new book + a pre-order freebie!

BIG news! My new book + a pre-order freebie!

I have a brand-new book coming out in March called, The Time-Saving Mom, and to celebrate the launch, over the next 8 weeks, I’ll be offering lots of fun freebies and surprises for those who pre-order.

This book is my answer to the question I’ve gotten asked over and over again: “How do you juggle so many things and yet seem to truly enjoy your life and seem so peaceful, calm, and happy?”

I wrote this book to encourage busy moms who feel like they have a lot to do and it feels like they never have enough time to do it all.

The Time-Saving Mom isn’t a book about hustling harder or how to pack your schedule so full and use every single minute. No, it’s a real-world, no-nonsense guide to keeping you sane and doing the things you love most. And I wrote it in the trenches… literally while I was in the midst of morning-noon-and-night sickness during my pregnancy with Micah while working full-time and parenting five other kids — teens down to toddlers.

In The Time-Saving Mom, I’ll take you behind-the-scenes into my daily practices and rhythms and share my four-step system to organize and simplify my life + share my time-saving hacks to find time for pursuing your personal passions, friendships, exercise, and better sleep and how to carve out sacred time for God and your family.

You don’t have to be a productivity queen to maximize your time. Instead, you can be a time-saving mom, investing in what matters most.

If you’re not familiar with the publishing world, pre-orders are HUGE for a book’s success. The more pre-orders there are, the more books Amazon and other book sellers will order and the more they order, the more they will also promote a book on their site, in-store, and so forth.

In order to celebrate the book and encourage you to pre-order, I’m going to be offering a lot of fun freebies and surprises over the coming weeks. The sooner you pre-order, the more freebies you’ll qualify for!

Pre-Order Freebie #1: An Exclusive Live Zoom Call with Me

On Thursday evening (January 12, 2023), at 8 p.m. CST, I’ll be hosting a private Zoom call with everyone who pre-orders The Time-Saving Mom before then and fills out the form below. It will be a super fun time for us to hang out live, chat, and I’ll answer questions — both on the call and you can submit questions beforehand, too!

Want to join us for the call? Here’s how:

  1. Pre-order The Time-Saving Mom from any retailer. The best price right now is directly from the publisher (Baker Book House) as it’s just $13.97 with free shipping!! It’s also available on Amazon as an ebook or hardcover with the Pre-Order Price Guarantee which means that if you order it now, if the price goes down any time between when you order and when it releases, you’ll get the lowest price! Plus, you can get it from Barnes & Noble, Target,, or ask your local bookstore to pre-order it.
  2. Fill out this quick form to be invited to the exclusive live Zoom call. I’ll be sending out an email on Wednesday and again on Thursday with details of how to join us. Plus, if you can’t join us live, I’ll be sending a replay link out to everyone who pre-orders and fills out the form!

That’s it! I hope you can join us!

Any questions? Just leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer it!



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