Tuesday, March 21, 2023
HomeBank100 Envelope Challenge: How to Save $5000 in 3 Months

100 Envelope Challenge: How to Save $5000 in 3 Months

While the 100 envelope challenge is sweeping TikTok, it’s not the only money savings challenge you can try. Here are two others worth exploring, especially if you want to start small before committing to the 100-day challenge.

30-day savings challenge

The 30-day savings challenge works similarly to the 100-day challenge, except it spans 30 days. You’ll gather 30 envelopes and number them 1 through 30.

Each day, you’ll save the amount indicated on the envelope you choose. You could go in order or shuffle the envelopes and randomly select one.

After 30 days, you’ll have saved a total of $465. As with the 100 envelope challenge, you could complete a digital version of this money challenge rather than storing cash in envelopes.

365-day penny challenge

If you want to start smaller, consider the 365-day penny challenge. For this challenge, you’ll need a big jar and a whole lot of pennies.

You’ll put one penny in the jar on Day 1, two pennies on Day 2, and so on until you’re putting 365 pennies on the last day of the year. (Of course, you could start using larger denominations as long as you’re putting in the correct amount).

After a year of saving, you’ll have a total savings of $667.95. Scraping together pennies can add up as long as you stay consistent.



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