Thursday, April 6, 2023
HomeMortgageORDE talks about an important cornerstone of its relationship with brokers

ORDE talks about an important cornerstone of its relationship with brokers

ORDE, a non-bank lender purpose-built for brokers, is driven to provide brokers with flexible solutions across a comprehensive, non-bank product set.

“ORDE’s most important value-add for brokers, beyond consistently high service, is delivering solutions for more complex or nuanced scenarios,” said Paul Wells, ORDE Financial CEO and managing director, and Ryan Harkness, chief lending officer and managing director.

Wells and Harkness said the non-bank often assists people with genuinely complex borrower circumstances and/or security profiles.

Read more: $2bn settlements just the start for ORDE

“Our deep experience means we can take a different view of tricky lending scenarios, resulting in niche solutions that, in our experience, other lenders cannot reliably match,” they said. “Very often these are deals that can take a lot of broker time and create frustration and uncertainty. A relationship with ORDE allows brokers to take on these deals and do so with confidence that they can deliver timely solutions to their customers.

“Our lending team’s depth in these types of deals, across a broad range of assets, stands out in the sector. Our lending team is expected to maintain standard service levels for these deals, and to support this we give brokers direct access to a scenarios desk led by our head of credit, to provide clarity and authority as quickly as possible.”

ORDE’s full and flexible product set, which according to Wells and Harkness is “an important cornerstone of our relationships with brokers and their clients,” includes a range of lending options for residential, commercial and SMSF loans, across full-doc, alt-doc, prime, near-prime, and other specialist profiles. The non-bank offers flexibility on key profiles, such as the treatment of debt consolidation and cash-out.

“Experience has taught us that the most valuable cornerstone a non-bank lender can offer a broker is to deliver outstanding service and solutions on the complex and nuanced transactions, as well as the more typical deals. That’s solution capability ORDE is keen to demonstrate to new brokers in 2023,” Wells and Harkness said.

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