Monday, April 10, 2023
HomeMacroeconomicsMy blog is on holidays – William Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory

My blog is on holidays – William Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory

It’s a holiday today in Australia and I am using the time to finish a major project so that I get started on the next (few)! I also published Episode 4 of my new podcast today. And I am listening to music so I can share that with you.

Podcast – Episode 4

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Episode 4 for my – Podcast – Letter from The Cape – is now available.

I discuss the popular misbelief that as ‘taxpayers’ we provide the government with the necessary funds that allow it to spend.

The idea that to enjoy better government services and infrastructure requires offsetting public spending cuts and/or higher taxes is a fiction and prevents the government from taking the necessary action to deal with the major challenges of the day.

Music – Miles Davis

This is what I have been listening to while working this morning.

Concierto de Aranjuez: Adagio – is track one from the 1960 album – Sketches of Spain (Columbia) – recorded by – Miles Davis – in his

This piece is part of the concerto – Concierto de Aranjuez – written by – Joqaquin Rodrigo – for classical guitar in 1939.

A remarkable part of the concerto is that Rodrigo was nearly blind and did not play guitar (he was a piano player).

While this is one of my favourite albums and has been since I purchased it in the early 1970s, music critics panned it as being not jazzy enough.

They missed the point unfortunately.

That is enough for today!

(c) Copyright 2023 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.



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