Tuesday, April 11, 2023
HomeWork From HomeIs ClickBank Legit? (2023 Review)

Is ClickBank Legit? (2023 Review)

Anyone who runs a blog and gets a decent amount of traffic is probably wondering how to start to make money with their site.

When you start to look around the internet for ways to monetize your blog, you will most likely come across Clickbank as an option.

You might wonder if it is a good platform to use to either sell your own products or sell the products of other people.

If you have wondered is clickbank legit, how it works, how much you can make, and all the other basics you will need to know, this article will cover it all from top to bottom.

What Is Clickbank?

Clickbank is an affiliate marketplace and an e-commerce platform for people to sell their digital products. They let some physical products be sold as well, but double check if yours are allowed before you jump on there and sign up.

Instead of having to go out and hunt for your own affiliate marketing programs, applying for each one, and keeping track of them all, clickbank brings it all into one central location.

Clickbank offers thousands of unique products (at the time of writing this, over 4,000 products) and programs so you can find the right fit for your blog and for your audience.

If you sell your own digital products, Clickbank is also a great option for you to sell more of them since other people can go on there and sell your products for you.

How To Monetize With Clickbank

If you are ready to monetize your work, you first need to sign up for Clickbank.

Clickbank is also free to join as an affiliate and there is no screening process so you can simply sign up and get started making money right away. If you want to sell your own products, you will need to pay $49.95 to start offering your goods and services.

When you pick a product on Clickbank to sell to your audience, you can make between 1% and 75% commission.

The seller is the one to set their own affiliate rate, and often they will offer a good deal to start to attract affiliates.

There is also another option to make money with Clickbank and that is for you to create and list your own offerings. Then, people who also use the platform can sell your producs (while earning their own affiliate income, as well).

Both options are a great way for you to start making money online, which is all done easily through Clickbank.

Types of Products on ClickBank

On Clickbank, there are a ton of products in a wide variety of niches.

Some of them include:

  • Education
  • Health and Fitness
  • Cooking
  • Traveling
  • Sports and competitive games
  • Beauty
  • Entertainment
  • Financial
  • Legal
  • Survival
  • Weight loss and diets
  • Investing
  • Real estate

That is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the variety of products on there. You will be able to find a product for almost any niche you are in.

Of course, you will want to find products that are related to your niche or else your audience might not be interested in them.

Selling Clickbank products

If you want to start making money with Clickbank as an affiliate, the first thing you will need to do is figure out which platform you want to sell through.

If you already have an audience on a certain platform, that can help a lot. That will often be the first place you will want to start to offer this affiliate product.

You should take some time to figure out why your audience would love this product, because that will help you craft a message that can help you sell more of them.

The last thing you want to do is just pitch them some generic product without giving them a reason to buy the product or building any desire to do so.

You could sell products through:

  • Your email list
  • Your YouTube channel
  • Your social media channels
  • On your website
  • In your blogs

Selling Your Own Clickbank Digital Product

If you are taking the time to put your own product up on Clickbank, you will want to spend a little time sprucing up your copywriting skills.

When customers come to your landing page, you want to make sure it is up to date and ready to show them why they should buy your product.

A big problem for bloggers who sell digital products is getting leads to their website, which is something that Clickbank can also help with. Even for the people who do not buy your product, you might be able to convince them to sign up for your newsletter, giving you a chance to sell to them again down the line.

Is Clickbank Legit?

Overall, yes. Clickbank is a legitimate site to help bloggers make money.

Now, what it does not do is magically create those sales for you. You will still be in charge of getting eyeballs to your offerings and making sure your potential customers can find it.

Clickbank simply offers the framework for you to succeed as long as you can make the sales on your own.

One thing you will need to do, though, is check out the people who have products you are offering to your audience.

Clickbank does not personally go through and vet every single product on their platform. Yes, they take down spam or fake products, but outside of that it is up to you to do your due diligence.

Check out the product, check out the company offering the product, take a look through their website and social media profiles, and so on.

No matter how good the commission rate is, you will want to do your homework so you can happily offer a product. Otherwise, you can destroy the trust between you and your audience you have worked so hard to build.

Why You Should Join Clickbank

If you sell products, using Clickbank is a helpful platform in order for you to sell more of them without as much effort on your end.

Because people can log in and see your product as an offer, they can sell it for you (while getting a cut, of course). It is one of the better options when it comes to making money with your work, since you are not paying these people upfront to promote your product.

If you are on the opposite end, it makes sense to join Clickbank because you can sell other people’s products to your audience.

This can save you time from how long it can take to create your own product and instead just start selling other people’s hard work while you earn a cut.

If you already have an audience, it can make sense to offer them more products that would help them and are already in your niche. Overall, it is a win-win for everyone.

Ready To Make Money With Your Writing?

If you are great at writing, and are looking for ways to make more money, being a freelance writer might be a perfect fit for you.

Inside the Freelance Writers Den, you will learn all of the tips and tricks to boost your writing career and start making money without having to rely on affiliate sales.

Want To Make More Money With Your Writing Skills?

While it is great to be an affiliate and make money that way, if you are a good writer, you can make money in a wide variety of ways

The Freelance Writers Den will help you succeed as a freelancer and give you all the tools you need to start getting clients.



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