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HomeWork From HomeGood Reasons to Call Off Work When Working Remotely

Good Reasons to Call Off Work When Working Remotely

In the last few years, the trend of working remotely has become increasingly popular. More and more businesses are now recognizing the advantages that can come from allowing their employees to work from home. Benefits such as increased productivity, improved work life balance and increased flexibility have turned many organizations toward promoting remote work.

Although remote work offers a wide variety of benefits, there are times when it is appropriate for employees to call off from work like in a traditional office setting. A much appreciated break from the rigors of everyday work brings time for relaxed focus, mindfulness and rest for those who take the opportunity to step away.

In this article, we will explore good reasons to call out of work when working remotely.

Being sick

When you’re under the weather and facing sickness, it’s necessary to ask for leave from work in order to channel all energy into proper recovery. Going to work in sickness can not only sabotage individual productivity, but can also pass on a contagious illness to coworkers.

If you are feeling unwell or have an illness, it’s important to take time off to rest and recover. Working while sick can prolong your illness and make you less productive.

Therefore, informing your manager about the time needed away to recuperate is extremely important! If working while ill isn’t avoidable due to circumstances, safety guidelines and caution should be taken when in public settings with employees and colleagues in mind.

Personal emergency

Life can throw curveballs when we least expect them, from our loved ones being hospitalized to unexpected car accidents. If you have a personal emergency that requires your attention, such as a family emergency or a personal health issue, it’s important to take the time to deal with it.

In such situations, it’s important to think of your health and wellbeing before anything else. Once that’s taken care of, the firat step should be informing your manager. They will understand you’re facing an emergency and provide assistance right away.

Taking a few days off due to an emergency is essential for both you and your family to make sure that everything is under control again. With understanding employers always there to support, a difficult time can be faced with resilience.

Mental health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Don’t ignore your mental wellbeing; mental health days are an incredibly useful tool that can help individuals recharge and focus on selfcare during times of distress, worry or anxiety.

If you’re dealing with a mental health issue, it’s important to prioritize your well-being. Taking a mental health day can help you recharge and come back to work feeling refreshed and more productive.

Taking a conscious step back to address any mental health issues early on is key to preventing greater issues such a burnt out syndrome later in life. Furthermore, taking effort to audit self how you handle these situations inside and outside of work can allow you to gain valuable insight into how your mental wellbeing impacts other aspects of your lifestyle—including your job performance and productivity.

Technical issues

Technical issues can be trying situations and can steal precious time away from work responsibilities. If you’re having technical difficulties that prevent you from completing your work, it’s important to communicate this to your team and take the time to resolve the issue.

When IT problems persist, it is important to inform your manager right away so solutions can start. Even if you must take time off work for the sake of sorting out technical issues, being proactive about the situation can result in getting back on track more quickly with regards to productivity.

Sometimes dedicated attention from technicians may be required in addition to making sure up-to-date skills are increased as much as possible via ongoing educational investment opportunities, trainings, and workshops. Technical issues undoubtedly create setbacks that require innovative problem solving approaches and persistent attempts at finding fast solutions yielding efficient results.

Childcare responsibilities

When you become a parent, adjusting to equilibrium between parenting and professional responsibilities can be a challenge.  If you have children at home and have unexpected childcare responsibilities that prevent you from working, it’s important to communicate this to your employer.

Contingencies such as school holidays, call in sick or other out of the ordinary events may occur, requiring you to periodically take days off to care for your kids. It’s essential to keep your employer in the loop and commit yourself from the outset to an effective work/ childcare plan. Such thoughtful organization can benefit both commitments and prevent one from overriding the other.

Family obligations

Families are a core value, enshrined around the world in various cultures. Suddenly, there may be an unexpected demand for attention, be it for a funeral or a wedding.  If you have family obligations, such as caring for a sick family member, it’s important to take the time to deal with these responsibilities.

Knowing how to appropriately approach a manager with the need to take leave time is essential to following those obligations. Recognizing what critical moments must be attended beyond any inconvenience is fundamental so that one meets their familial needs while still performing at their job properly.

It’s vitally important that employees know how to properly cite family obligations when making requests of the company and don’t become blindsided by the requirements put upon them by personal relationships within their lives.

Home maintenance

When things go wrong at home, it can be difficult to know how best to move forward. If you have home maintenance or repairs that require your attention, it’s important to take the time to deal with these issues to prevent further damage or complications.

Taking time off work to manage the crisis is sometimes a necessary response—for example, if you’re dealing with a major issue such as a flood or fire. Maintaining safety and wellbeing should always be your priority in moments of trouble, so it pays to stay in communication with your manager. Involve them early on and make sure they understand what’s going on, since that may have an effect on other operations too.

Being proactive will help things run relatively smoothly, so don’t be afraid to take ownership of the situation! After all, your health and the wellbeing of your family should come first.

From blazing heat to pouring rain and snowy prisms, extreme weather conditions like hurricanes, blizzards and wildfires can disrupt life as usual. If you are unable to work due to severe weather conditions, such as a power outage or dangerous road conditions, it’s important to prioritize your safety and communicate with your employer.

When Mother Nature strikes an adverse blow that renders you incapacitated and unable to work effectively, it’s vital for you to communicate with your manager. Make sure your boss knows that due to weatherbond challenges, your work situation has changed.

Prioritizing your safety should be the highest order of importance on a day like this. Hopefully, due to the gravity of the circumstances, your boss will understand and provide the necessary guidance regarding taking sufficient time away from work until operations resume back to normal.


Burnout. It’s real. Remote workers can be just as prone to it as those in a typical office setting, and it shouldn’t be overlooked. If your work productivity and morale have taken a nosedive, it might be time for a much needed break away from the monitors.

If you’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed, it’s important to take a break and recharge. This can help you come back to work feeling more focused and productive. Taking some time off, whether a few days or several weeks, can help you destress and recharge. In doing so, you protect yourself against dreaded future burnouts and remain productive even while remote working.


When working remotely, there are many good reasons to call out of work, making it important to communicate with your manager and prioritize your wellbeing. Overall, it’s important to prioritize your health and well-being when working from home.

If you’re dealing with any of these issues, it’s better to take a break and come back to work when you’re feeling better, rather than pushing through and risking further health or mental health problems.

Go over our guide to see how companies hire remote employees and learn essential qualities a remote employee must have. When searching for a remote job, study these common questions remote workers usually ask.. And while you’re at it, join like-minded remote workers in our LinkedIn community.

Searching for a remote job and need help figuring out where to look. DailyRemote is a remote job board with the latest jobs posted in various categories, such as software development, marketing, virtual assistant jobs, etc.



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