Welcome to my weekly post giving you a peek into this past week and what’s happening at our house.
Silas has been doing a lot of cooking recently, thanks to the 5-Ingredient Meal Box we’ve been using. He’s loving trying out the recipes and I’m loving him spending so much time in the kitchen — especially since he’s such a great cook!
Kierstyn and I have been having tea time almost every day while we do her preschool. It’s something she gets so excited about and it makes her preschool time even more enjoyable!
Silas came home from school the other day and decided he and Kierstyn needed to have their own tea party. See this adorable video.
Just a reminder: the most powerful sermons we’ll ever preach are the lives we live on a daily basis.
Our kids are watching and learning from our example. They see how we respond when life is hard, when things don’t go like we’d hoped, when challenges and setbacks come.
They are watching and learning how to interact in the world by the way we react and interact with them.
We won’t do it all perfectly everyday. But our kids will also learn what humility and honesty looks like when we come back and ask forgiveness when we miss the mark in a conversation or get frustrated or don’t stop and really listen to their hearts.
I was honored to get to record a podcast with Sissy Goff and David Thomas from Raising Girls and Boys. I love them so much and we had a great time recording it! Listen in here.
True story: I was so proud of us because we had a really late night the night before Easter and still managed to get all 8 of us dressed up and out the door — with the food we were bringing to our friends’ house for lunch in tow — and we were going to be 10 minutes early to church! It felt like an Easter miracle… and then we showed up and realized that we’d forgotten church was at 10:30 am on Easter instead of 10:45 am like usual. So we were actually 5 minutes late. Oh well!
David always looks so grown up after he gets a hair cut!
Kierstyn has been learning a lot of new things recently — including how to do laundry, how to make eggs, and more! She’s becoming quite a proficient helper and she loves it!
It’s that time of year when we spend a lot of time on the sidelines of Silas’ baseball games and I love it so much!
I was blessed to get to speak at a local gathering of moms last week! I always love getting to speak in person and encourage other women face-to-face! (I love sharing online, but face-to-face will trump online every single time!)
It was senior prom on Friday night and our kids’ school makes a big deal of it and the parents and families are invited.
See lots of pictures and read more about Senior Prom here.
I reheated my decaf latte in the microwave one afternoon recently (any other moms find you have to reheat your coffee because it’s rare you get to drink it all before it gets cold??) and I opened up the microwave to find it had overflowed all over the place. Then I noticed what the cup said.
May your coffee be warm, your day be without spills, and your heart overflow with all your blessings!