Monday, April 24, 2023
HomeWork From HomeMeranda E. | Arise Work From Home

Meranda E. | Arise Work From Home

How did you hear about the Arise® Platform?

My story is kind of funny because I was working in retail and was doing part-time work with a pharmaceutical company where I could set my own hours.

While working outside the home, I received a call one day from someone who said they had a friend who services Carnival from home. 

Well, everyone knows that cruising is my favorite thing to do, and I was like, “say what?” [Laughs].

So, I went on a Google search, thinking, “How is she doing this?” And I came across the Arise® Platform.

And let me tell you, I am a very fearful person when it comes to something I am not familiar with, so when I pulled up the website—and this was near the end of 2019—I said to myself, “I don’t know. Is this real, or is it not?”

I built my profile, went through registration, and it has been the best thing since!

As a single mother, I could set my own hours and work when I wanted to work, and of course, retail doesn’t allow that.

Although I could set my own schedule with the pharmaceutical company, I had to drive about 20 minutes away to do that. The Arise® Platform enables me to work from home.

How long have you been using the Arise® Platform?

For three years. I just came up to my three-year anniversary!

What do you like most about servicing the Carnival Cruise client?

I love cruising and I love talking to guests about destinations that they go to.

When I am speaking to customers, I use the opportunity not only to help the guest but for the guest to assist me—because I love picking guests’ brains about the different itineraries.

I’ve learned more about cruising from some of the guests than I have by cruising myself! And I started cruising in 2015 and fell in love. Last year I took 4 cruises and I have some planned for this year as well!

I have serviced with other clients, but I love servicing Carnival and cruising—so I get to do what I love.

What do you like most about using the Arise® Platform?

What I love about the Arise® Platform is the flexibility. I can work when I want to work. 

In 2024, I just want to be solely working from home doing something where I can set my own schedule—and I am holding on to this opportunity with the Arise® Platform because it is going to help me reach my goal.

Although I have a full-time job now, I don’t want to do that anymore! I want something that provides total flexibility and lets me go out and do the things I enjoy doing.

And I have learned so much about myself by using the Arise® Platform. 

I’ve learned being an entrepreneur is for me. It is so relaxing and stress-free on those days when I can wake up in the morning and decide that today I am going to do this, this, this, and this!

In fact, my dad asks my mom, “How does she have the time to take all these cruises?” 

I tell him, “Don’t worry about it” [Laughs].

How has your use of the Arise® Platform improved your life, personal, and professional goals?

Well, I am a single mother, and when I moved to South Carolina, I moved because, as an educator, it was better financially. While in South Carolina, I learned quickly that reciprocity in education does not mean reciprocity. I wasn’t highly-qualified in South Carolina—and that was a shock to me.

After getting a new teaching job, climbing out of debt, working on a PhD, and working a part-time job in retail—and I was doing fine—I wanted a house, but I had all these student loans.

I always ask, “where was [The Arise® Platform] then?” I had no knowledge of the Arise® Platform back then.

When I tell you a busted my tail and I worked, I did—I was servicing three clients. 

I was taking the revenue I earned from servicing on the Arise® Platform and paying off bills so I could get approved for the house I am in now. 

I closed on the house in December 2021, and you know, people ask me how I was able to do it. 

I say, “the Arise® Platform.”

That is the only way I could do it. I was still limited at other opportunities, but with the Arise® Platform, I could service multiple clients and make the revenue I needed to pay off those bills and save up.

I would not be in my house now if it weren’t for the Arise® Platform!

How would you describe a typical experience for someone servicing the Carnival Cruise program?

Once you get out of certification, it’s pretty much flexible. You just have to be dedicated going through certification—and you have to be self-motivated. 

Nobody is going to tell you that you need to log into the computer for certification, nobody is going to tell you that you need to select intervals to service, and nobody is going to tell you to show up for the intervals you selected.

A lot of people would love to do this—but they need to be self-motivated.

For the most part, it is fun. I’ve done sales, and I’m doing customer service now. From my experience, you talk to a lot of upbeat guests.

There is no other experience like the Carnival Cruise program.

It is a whole experience—beginning to end. I mean, the name speaks for itself; Carnival Cruise, it’s the fun ship!

Everybody I talked to who services Carnival says that they have not found the Carnival experience anywhere else.

Do you have any advice for those who are new to the Arise® Platform and/or the Carnival Cruise client program?

Just always be open-minded to receive feedback and give yourself some grace. I think that’s the big one for me. 

We tend to be more critical of ourselves than other people, and when you are certifying on any new client, give yourself some grace.

While you may make a mistake, the biggest thing to ask is: “How can I learn from that mistake?”

Tell yourself: “I’m not going to make that mistake again—I will not make that mistake again.”

And remember the purpose of feedback is to help you get better and better!

Is there anything else you would like others to know about the Arise® Platform or the Carnival Cruise Lines program?

I am very appreciative of the opportunity to partner with the Arise® Platform.

I always say, “I wish I would have known about this back when I was a little ol’ 26-year-old.”

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