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HomeDebt Free10 Honest Things Men Said About Why They Are Against Marriage Today

10 Honest Things Men Said About Why They Are Against Marriage Today

Marriage isn’t for everyone, but why? Recently, men gathered in an online discussion to reveal their true feelings on why so many are against marriage in today’s society. From the hassle of prenuptial agreements to lack of tax benefits, men of all ages held nothing back in their assessment of one of America’s oldest institutions.

1. The Institution of Marriage Is Broken

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Photo Credit: Viacheslav Boiko/Shutterstock.

In some men’s eyes, marriage is an antiquated concept that doesn’t fit into society today. “The institution itself is an old one meant to benefit a woman so she would be taken care of even after the man dies,” explains a recently divorced man. “Times have changed — this is no longer needed. Women can go out and get jobs and make money for themselves.” (Best of luck to this person in finding the love of his life.)

2. It’s Sexist

Middle Eastern, Young Couple Sitting On Couch After A Fight.
Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

More than one unmarried man has revealed his reasoning for never wanting to get married, which all hinges on the institution being sexist. According to a few men, marriage is outdated; a relic from a lost era.

3. Marriage Favors Women

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Strap yourself in for this one, people. One man candidly expresses his opinion on marriage using a bizarre metaphor. “Marriage for women is a wondrous romantic partnership,” he posits. “Marriage for men is her holding a loaded gun to your head and hoping she never pulls the trigger.” It looks like somebody has their new dating app bio ready to go!

4. The Odds of It Working Out Are 50%

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Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

It’s true: Around half of American marriages end in divorce, leading countless men to wonder why they’d sign up for something that is a coin flip away from failing. It’s a valid point, although it feels like a defeatist attitude.

5. Traditional Weddings Are a Waste of Money

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Many men consider the actual wedding a dealbreaker when considering marriage. “I hate long dinners out and speeches,” says one man. “Plus, there’s like three people I would invite so it would just be like visiting my folks on Sunday for lunch with one friend in attendance.” That’s a little sad, but I can’t fault the man for being honest.

6. You Can Do Everything Right, and It Can Still End In Divorce

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some men can’t handle the thought of the marriage failing, citing it as the main reason they are against marriage today. The pain, the heartbreak, and potential financial losses are just a few reasons they’ve given, which would invariably hurt tenfold if they were on the wrong end of infidelity.

7. It’s Pointless

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Aside from the unbreakable bond between two people who love each other, marriage is pointless. “There’s literally no benefit to a guy unless you’re a Britney Spears ex-husband type of guy,” says one man who seems like he’s fun at parties. “You can literally leave any time you want with no consequences so what’s the point?” I’m literally willing to bet this man will be single for the rest of his life.

8. You Can Be in a Healthy Relationship Without Getting Married

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Marriage isn’t the be-all, end-all in relationships. Many men – my father included – are in a committed, monogamous relationship with the love of their life. These men question the pressure society puts on people to get married in the first place.

9. It’s Become Government-Regulated

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Image Credit: fizkes & Shutterstock.

Some men choose to express themselves in a more civilized manner. “Marriage had far more social impact when it was considered a religious rite that carried significant consequences if separated,” explains one man. “So it was treated with far more respect and seriousness.” Other men should take notice: This is how you present your position with intelligence and logic.

10. The Potential Loss of Assets

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Image Courtesy of Look Studio & Shutterstock.

It’s true. If a marriage ends in divorce, a man can lose many assets. From cars to houses to money — and everything in between — this undesired outcome is enough for many men to swear off the prospect of marriage forever.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.



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