Fall is a favorite season for many people, and for good reason! The thing is, it can also tend to be a very expensive time of year. But don’t worry! I’ve got some great tips on how to save money during this exciting fall-time period in your life. If you love football or just want some ideas about things that would make going out enjoyable again with friends/family members then keep reading because these are my top 15 fall activities on a budget.
Between holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, the cost of Fall can add up quickly! However, there are many budget friendly Fall activities that you can enjoy with both friends and family.
If you’re on the lookout for inexpensive fall activities then you’re in luck! In this article you’ll get ideas about:
- Fall activities to do with friends
- Fall activities to do with family
- Fall activities to enjoy with kids
The best part is that all of these fall activities can be done on a budget and won’t break the bank! Let’s take a look at each of these activities in more detail.
Fall Activities To Do With Friends
If you want to get together with friends this fall, then you’re in luck! Below 5 things you can do with friends that are completely budget friendly.
You can easily host a fun, outdoor potluck to cheer on your favorite football team. Have everyone bring a dish and wear their team shirts. Even if you just invite a few friends, this is a fun fall activity that can even turn into a tradition for friends!
To make it even extra special, try a new dip recipe each game. The best part is that you can easily social distance at events like this as long as too many people aren’t present.
2. Go on walk
Grab your tennis shoes and call that friend you haven’t seen in a while. Meet them for a nice, long walk to enjoy the gorgeous weather that fall brings. This will give you an opportunity to connect with a friend and the best part is it’s 100% free!
This activity can be enjoyed by friends, family, and even children. If you enjoy walking, then set a recurring date with a friend to go on a walk once a week together!
3. Visit a state park
The weather won’t be perfect forever and the cold is sure to set in eventually. Before that happens, gather your friends for an all-day adventure and head to a state park near you! You’ll keep the cost of this activity low by packing your own lunch and sharing the cost of gas.
Leave your phone at home (or turn it completely off) so you can enjoy some unplugged time from the internet and social media. You’ll be surprised just how refreshed and renewed you feel after quality time with friends out in nature!
4. Host a chili cook off
Host a chili cookoff in your home (or go to a friend’s chili cookoff). If you’ve been chosen as the host, know that you can still enjoy a chili cookoff on a budget! Have each person bring the chili. You can easily provide the Fritos, bowls, and easy drinks on a budget. Ask others to help bring fun yard games and you’re sure to have a happy crowd. To make it even more fun, turn it into a competition and let people vote for their favorite chili!
5. Host a pumpkin carving contest
Host your own pumpkin carving contest in your home (or even in your driveway)! This is an incredibly budget-friendly activity for friends. Each person can bring their own pumpkin and carving tools. Play music and enjoy the Fall air with friends.
When everyone is finished, allow everyone an opportunity to vote on the most impressive pumpkin. You can even upload pictures to social media so others can cast a vote as well! To make this fall activity even better, roast the pumpkin seeds and send everyone home with a delicious treat.

Fall Activities For Families
It can be easy to fall into a routine each weekend with families. Break up the monotonous routine this season by trying out a few budget-friendly Fall activities! Below are 5 fun things you can do with your family this season.
1. Go to a pumpkin patch
Most families absolutely love pumpkin patches. The best pumpkin patches are usually found out in the country. It’s easy to find a pumpkin patch where the crowds are sparse. Some even include a petting zoo, large hay maze, and maybe even a tractor hayride!
This is the perfect activity to get families out of the house and make memories that can last forever. Take these moments to provide your family with experiences that you can look back on and smile about.
2. Enjoy a picnic in the park
The weather will only be nice for a certain amount of time, so soak it up while you can! Pack a lunch and enjoy a picnic in the park. This activity is absolutely free and your entire family will love it if you turn this into a tradition!
Imagine taking a picnic once per week for a few months in a row. Test out a new park each time to discover even more in your town! This is a great way to pull kids away from a screen and get out in nature.

3. Stargaze at night
Wrap up in a blanket, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and enjoy gazing at the stars at night. Keep kids engaged by downloading the free app, Skyview to teach children more about the constellations and planets around us. Education and family fun all at once? Yes, please!
4. Create an outdoor movie experience
While the weather is nice out, consider watching a movie outdoors. You can bring an iPad outside or purchase a decent projector for under $100 to project a movie in your backyard. Hang a white sheet up and you have a screen to project your movie onto. Sometimes just changing the location of a simple activity can make it new and fun!
5. Roast s’mores
If you own a fire pit, great! The hard part is done! If you don’t, then there are a lot of inexpensive options online. Here’s a great budget-friendly firepit that is similar to one our family owns. Fall is the perfect season to enjoy fires and s’mores at night with your family. Circle chairs around the fire pit and simply enjoy an evening outside.

Fall Activities For Kids
Fall is one of the best times to create memories with your children or grandchildren! Below you’ll find 5 activities that kids of all ages will enjoy! The best part is that they are all either free or inexpensive.
1. Play board games
Go into your closet and grab several board games, a large blanket, and head outside for an afternoon of bonding. No one said that board games had to be played at a table so enjoy time with your favorite people making memories. If you have room in your budget, order a new board game for the entire family to enjoy! This is a very budget-friendly fall activity that will help your family bond.
2. Take a nature walk
Can we agree that chances are children need more time outdoors? Make this happen today! After dinner, take a walk through your neighborhood and let your children collect nature items. Try to find leaves in as many colors as possible. Grab pine cones along the way for a fun craft. Pick up sticks and rocks to start a nature collection at home. Your kids will look forward to this time to explore and spend uninterrupted time with their parents.
To make it even more fun, grab a free Bingo Page for your nature walk!

3. Get crafty
Kids love crafts! No matter a child’s age, crafts allow them to dip into their creative side and use their hands to bring their imagination to life. Take a few of those pinecones you grabbed on your nature walk and make a fall themed craft with them. Give your kids the opportunity to express their creativity at home with crafts this fall. It’s much better than spending time on the iPad! Pinterest has a ton of fall-themed crafts that your kids will love!
4. Make caramel apples
Kids generally love baking in the kitchen! Get into the spirit of fall by working alongside your child to make delicious caramel apples. This recipe only has 3 ingredients which not only makes it easy, but also super budget-friendly. Feel free to share any extra caramel apples you make with friends!
5. Create leaf rubbings
Remember that nature walk you took with your children? Take some of the leaves from that walk and allow children to create their own leaf rubbings. This is a perfect way to combine 2 free fall activities into one! Plus, this gives you the opportunity to talk about texture with younger children.
The Bottom Line
There’s no reason for you to spend a fortune this Fall on fun activities with friends, family, and kids. There are so many budget-friendly options where you can still enjoy this amazing season! What’s your favorite fall activity? Let me know in the comments so I can try it out for myself!