Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is among the highest-grossing films ever. The second film of the Sequel Trilogy shook up the formula with a darker middle chapter helmed by Rian Johnson.
Despite breaking some Star Wars norms, The Last Jedi brought some of the most memorable quotes in the franchise.
1. It’s Time For the Jedi to End
If there was one piece of dialogue that caused the earliest stir, it came from the first teaser trailer for The Last Jedi. Luke Skywalker, Jedi, Rebel leader and hero of the Original Trilogy, dropped a bombshell as the trailer ended with his now iconic words, “It’s time for the Jedi to end.”
There was no way for fans to know the context of this moment until the movie was released.
2. Let the Past Die
Another line out of the trailers that caused some waves on the internet was Kylo Ren’s “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” The extended version stems from a conversation with Rey about Kylo Ren killing his father, Han Solo. He explains that he didn’t hate his father but couldn’t reach his full potential.
He tells Rey to do the same, “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. It’s the only way to become who you were meant to be.”
3. This Is Not Going to Go the Way You Think
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The Last Jedi is a very different film from the rest of the Sequel Trilogy. Breaking away from many of the norms in the franchise, Luke Skywalker set the stage for this very different film. In the trailers, he tells Rey, “This is not going to go the way you think!”
While the context within the movie was a much longer discussion about if Kylo Ren could be redeemed, it was a piece of dialogue that stood out early to fans as a warning. The movie itself was not going to be what fans were expecting.
4. The Greatest Teacher, Failure Is
In a surprise cameo, Yoda appeared in the movie, portrayed once again by Frank Oz. The Jedi master never fails to give his sage wisdom in Star Wars films. As the sacred texts of the Jedi burn, Yoda tells Luke, “Pass on what you have learned. Strength. Mastery. But weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is.”
He immediately follows up with another iconic line, “We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.”
5. Every Word of What You Just Said Was Wrong
There are two ways Luke Skywalker delivers this dialogue to Rey and Kylo Ren, but both have the same sarcastic tone. The delivery to Kylo ended up being the more meme-able version that stuck with fans. Luke apologizes for failing his nephew. Kylo roars back, “I’m sure you are! The Resistance is dead, the war is over, and when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi!”
Smirking, Luke grips his lightsaber, saying, “Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi.”
6. Hope Is Like the Sun
Many great Star Wars quotes came from Princess turned General Leia Organa. The Last Jedi was no exception as she tried to bolster the morale of those in the Resistance around her, saying, “Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it, you’ll never make it through the night.”
7. We Are the Spark
Some of the greatest blazes started with a spark. Star Wars is built on the concept that ordinary people can stand up to great evil. When all seems lost for the Resistance, Luke Skywalker appears to face the First Order by himself.
Poe Dameron realizes it’s a chance to survive, regroup, and build their forces again, saying in his iconic line, “We are the spark that’ll light the fire that’ll burn the First Order down.”
8. Rebel Scum
Starting the Sequel Trilogy as a stormtrooper, Finn partakes in a remarkable journey to rise against the First Order. Facing off against Captain Phasma, it’s a brawl trading blow for blow.
He strikes her down one final time, cracking open her helmet. She sneers at him, “You were always scum.” Proudly, Finn declares, “Rebel scum.”
9. No One’s Ever Really Gone
There was no way of knowing that The Last Jedi would be Carrie Fisher’s final Star Wars movie that she filmed. Passing away before the movie’s release, her scenes with Mark Hamill hold extra meaning as the fictional twins say their goodbyes to each other.
As Leia laments the loss of her son, Luke takes her hand, and as if he is speaking as Mark, he says, “No one’s ever really gone.” The Last Jedi is dedicated to Carrie Fisher.
10. Saving What We Love
With a title like ‘Star Wars,’ these films are about war and standing up to oppression. One theme explored across the franchise is not losing oneself while fighting. Rose Tico embodies this idea, telling Finn, “We’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!”
Nothing is more Star Wars than that.
This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.