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Dvara Research Blog | State of Open Digital Ecosystems for Social Protection (SP-ODEs) in India

Authors: Aishwarya Narayan, Lakshay Narang, Aarushi Gupta, Beni Chugh & Indradeep Ghosh.

Over the last eighteen months, the Social Protection Initiative and the Future of Finance Initiative at Dvara Research have worked extensively to understand the design and workings of open digital ecosystems adopted to deliver social protection in India. We now present to you a report and an accompanying, shorter summary, that unpacks Social Protection Open Digital Ecosystems (SP-ODEs) using a framework that puts citizen centricity at its core. 

This body of work seeks to (i) provide readers with a nuanced understanding of an archetypal SP-ODE through a schematic representation of its various components, (ii) lay down a set of attributes that comprise a blueprint for building citizen-centric SP-ODEs, (iii) provide a framework of design features that operationalizes the above attributes, and lastly, (iv) use this framework to build case studies of live SP-ODEs in India.

The framework for building citizen-centric SP-ODEs benefits from a rigorous review of literature on considerations for designing tech-based social protection delivery systems in low to middle income countries. It has also been shaped by the views of various stakeholders, ranging from those involved in architecting such ecosystems to those who are invested in understanding frictions faced by citizens at the last mile. It is then applied to describe three live SP-ODEs in India – the Jan Aadhaar Yojana of Rajasthan, the Antyodaya Saral of Haryana and the Samagra Samajik Suraksha Mission of Madhya Pradesh. Applying our framework to describe these case studies allows us to identify how these systems can further bolster citizen centricity in their design. It also shines light on best practices for designing citizen-centric SP-ODEs that may be helpful for building SP-ODEs elsewhere in the country and in jurisdictions similar to India. 

The full report is available here.

A shorter summary of the report is available here

Cite this report:


Narayan, A., Narang, L., Gupta, A., Chugh, B., & Ghosh, I. (2023). State of Open Digital Ecosystems for Social Protection (SP-ODEs) in India. Retrieved from Dvara Research.


Aishwarya Narayan, Lakshay Narang, Aarushi Gupta, Beni Chugh & Indradeep Ghosh. “State of Open Digital Ecosystems for Social Protection (SP-ODEs) in India.” 2023. Dvara Research.


Aishwarya Narayan, Lakshay Narang, Aarushi Gupta, Beni Chugh & Indradeep Ghosh. 2023. “State of Open Digital Ecosystems for Social Protection (SP-ODEs) in India.” Dvara Research.



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