Just wanted to take a moment to recognize the incredible work my media and research teams have been doing to propel The Compound channel past 120,000 subscribers this month. And that 120k is just a fragment of the audience because almost everything we do on video is also on the audio podcast channels too.
For those who are new to what we’re doing at the Compound YouTube channel each week, below is the schedule of what you can expect. Subscribing is free and it gets you the alert whenever we’re going live or a new episode has just dropped:
Tuesdays at 5pm ET live: What Are Your Thoughts?: watch here
The first show we ever created for the channel. Michael Batnick and I work together but we don’t see each other all day or even every day. This is where we catch up on the biggest market and investing stories of the week and take each others’ temperature. It’s a take machine for sure and we do it live so the YouTube audience can chat during. Occasionally some of their comments and jokes make the live show. It’s the most interactive, spontaneous thing we do and is only available on YouTube, no podcast version.
Wednesdays (early morning and late afternoon): Animal Spirits with Michael and Ben: watch here
Michael and Ben Carlson (A Wealth Of Common Sense blog and RWM’s head of institutional asset management) started this podcast back in 2017, before everyone was doing podcasts (or, at least, starting one). In that time, they’ve been consistently putting out high quality episodes every week and are about to surpass the 20 million (TWENTY MILLION!) download mark. AS is the biggest audio show we put out and the audience even has a Discord they can use to chat amongst each other. New episodes come out Wednesday morning before you wake up and the full video version hits YouTube around the close of business that same day. Learn about personal finance, investment concepts, recent financial news, the economy, Michael’s questionable movie takes and Ben’s newest book recommendations.
Thursdays at 1:30pm ET live: Ask The Compound: watch here
Originally we were calling this show “Portfolio Rescue” but that term didn’t fully incapsulate everything Ben and our creative media chief Duncan Hill were doing. Each week they answer five or six viewer questions live on YouTube and the topics are all over the map, from portfolio stuff to taxes to insurance to mortgage finance to marriage and divorce costs. Ben is like the smart best friend with all the answers you wish you had in real life (okay, some of you do). You can throw anything to do with money and investing at him and you’re going to get some common sense back in return. Duncan facilitates the Q&A and represents the audience on-screen, asking follow-ups or chiming in as necessary. They go for about a half an hour and usually bring on a subject matter expert from within Ritholtz Wealth or beyond depending on what the viewers are asking about. This is the next-gen personal finance show you’ve been waiting for.
Fridays (early morning and late afternoon): The Compound & Friends: watch here
The flagship show on the network features Michael and I with Duncan, John and Nicole producing live from our very own Bryant Park studio. Each week we bring in a friend or two and run down all of the biggest developments in the markets that week. We talk careers and investing and trading and everything else you want to hear about from us. Our guests have been incredible and incredibly diverse. We’ve had hedge fund managers, day traders, technical analysts, economists, reporters, columnists, financial advisors, CEOs, founders, venture capitalists and all sorts of other people we know to really bring a wide spectrum of insights and ideas to the conversation. The Compound & Friends podcast hits all platforms early Friday morning. The full video hits the YouTube channel around 5 o’clock just in time for the weekend.
Live From the Compound specials (unscheduled): watch here
Live From the Compound is us at our most spontaneous. Every once in awhile we’ll get a chance to do something live in an interesting place or grab a really timely guest who can address a big story that is currently affecting the markets. When you’re a subscriber, you will get the alert before these things happen so you can plan accordingly. We’ve talked to DK Metcalf, Ian Bremmer, Ben Smith, Tim Dillon and others in recent months. You never know who we’re going to bring on and when, so getting the head’s up is a great way to stay connected.
Michael, Ben, Duncan and I are joined every day behind the scenes by senior Creative Media Producer John Grayson, Research Associate Sean Russo, and Digital Media Specialist Nicole Samoroukova. This is the team that works tirelessly to make sure the wealth of information we have to share makes it to the screen looking like a million bucks and gets in front of all of you so you never miss an episode. We couldn’t do what we do without this core group of creators, researchers and producers. So if you see one of them in the chat or you want to shout them out in the comments on YouTube, by all means go right ahead!
We also built a merch store for our fans. Now you guys can rock the same stuff that we do on the air. This summer we brought back the Fed t-shirt that everyone’s been asking for but this time it’s black-on-white. We’re always updating so check back from time to time. The URL is idontshop.com
And don’t forget you can follow The Compound News for updates on our social channels:
The Compound News Instagram
The Compound News Twitter
Join the Compound’s subscriber community and get ready for a weekly dose of fun and learning. We welcome you one and all.