Tuesday, May 30, 2023
HomeWork From HomeHow I Work Remotely: Michael Gutman

How I Work Remotely: Michael Gutman

Hi, I’m Michael Gutman (he/him). I’ve been leading remote teams since 2008. I’ve helped build remote collaboration platforms, remote workforce development programs, helped people get remote jobs, built conferences on remote work, and taught courses on remote work—all well before the pandemic.

Since 2020, I’ve been consulting teams on remote work strategy, coaching remote leaders, giving keynotes about remote work, and helping build remote upskilling programs.

I’m passionate about helping people succeed remotely. I believe that remote work can be a great way to improve work-life balance, increase productivity, and attract and retain top talent. I’m excited to share my knowledge and experience with you and help you make the most of remote work.

Where can we follow you (Twitter, Instagram, etc.)?

LinkedIn, Website

Describe how you work in 10 words or less.

Bursts of efficient work fueled by intentional human collaboration.

Tell us a little bit about your background & how you got started with remote work.

I was sitting at my desk in 2007 and after 4 hours of work each day, there was not much else for me to do. I got all my work done, my work KPIs were great, and I was not given more work.  I started to ask the question about why efficiency and high performance was not being rewarded with more work flexibility.  

And then I read the 4hr work week.  That set me on a path to curate a career focused on work flexibility.  Since then I have become a remote work pioneer and advocate.  

For me, it’s all about decentralizing access to opportunity for people, while giving them the flexibility to work the way that works best for them.  My work in the space reflects that mission.

What’s your workspace setup like?

I am what you might call a “Domestic nomad” and lead a “Home-adic lifestyle.” Yes, those terms are made up (a fellow remote work advocate and I coined them).  

But I imagine many are like me.

Meaning, I roam from couch, to kitchen table, to office desk, to outside chair… all in my home. I work from one laptop and I have a system that helps me stay productive wherever I decide to work that day.

What apps, gadgets, or tools can’t you live without?

Noise cancelling microphone headset. It drowns out all outside noise when I am in meetings at places like coffee shops, co-working spaces, or my home.

Aside: Find out more about common remote tools and gears used by remote workers.

How do you stay focused on your tasks?

I have always been talented at selective attention.  Meaning I can drown out distractions and crank out work when I want/need to.  This has been a great benefit when working while on the road or when life might be a bit hectic around the house.  

My strategy is to ensure I am laser focused on tasks that take priority.

How do you keep track of what you need to prioritize?

Before I start my day, I build a simple list of what tasks I need to accomplish and in the order I need to accomplish them. It is a daily habit that helps me stay laser focused and forces me to re-prioritize every day.

I include life tasks in the lists as well and items that I want to make micro investments in every day.  Like exercise, telling a coworker I am grateful for their contributions, meditation, or remembering to build in a social moment with a teammate during the workday.

How do you recharge or take a break?

I often do a pushup up break. Physical exertion changes my brain state very quickly which is a nice way to quickly un-plug, then jump right back into work mode if I need to.

Having a dog also helps because she makes me take breaks to get her out 😉

Advice for someone who is looking to switch to a remote job?

I have lots of advice for people looking to switch to a remote.  I author courses for Linkedin Learning on How to find a remote job and How to level up your remote team experience.

How should one go about finding and getting a remote job?

Networking.  The best time to grow your network was 5+ years ago.  

The second best time… Today!

Invest 1 hour every week and start networking with people who are in a similar field as you who work at remote friendly companies. Use Linkedin to reach out, introduce yourself, and ask if you can do a meet and greet to just chat about the industry, make a meaningful connection, and to help grow each other’s network.  

You might be surprised how many people will say yes.

What qualities would you recommend are a must-have for a person seeking a remote job?

You must be flexible. Life is full of surprises that might alter your team’s work day. So being able to roll with whatever hiccups you might encounter while still being able to get your work done is a big part of succeeding on a remote team.

Aside: Learn the skills required to land a remote job

Want to work remotely like Michael? We recommend reviewing the list of top remote companies allowing permanent work from home.

Are you searching for a remote job and are trying to figure out where to look. DailyRemote has the latest remote jobs in various categories, such as software development, marketing, virtual assistant jobs, etc. Also, connect with like-minded remote job seekers in our LinkedIn remote community.



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