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HomeDebt Free12 Pieces of Stupid Logic That Way Too Many People Agree With

12 Pieces of Stupid Logic That Way Too Many People Agree With

We come across many ideas and claims that seem illogical or stupid in our daily lives. Despite lacking the credibility of statements, people accept them blindly. A person online asked about such statements. People from different backgrounds came forward and replied.

1. The Spectrum of Smartness

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The first person reflects on the common misconception, “I am book dumb; therefore, I am street smart.” The term book smart refers to academic intelligence, excelling in school, and possessing strong memorization and conceptualization skills.

In contrast, street smart is seen as the practical application of life skills and the ability to navigate real-world situations effectively. They argue that smartness exists on a spectrum and people who progress/regress in life fit in somewhere between.

2. The Pitfalls of Pretty Words

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Someone raises concerns about the prevailing belief “Pretty words win arguments!” They express discomfort with a friend group that relied on this tactic, leading to confusing and manipulative behavior.

Another reader chimes in, sharing their frustration with witnessing such behavior. They describe it as a game where both parties engage in finger-pointing and seek validation from the surrounding audience. The commenter expresses their exasperation at seeing people act foolishly, only to be praised as if they achieved something significant.

3. Wisdom Knows No Age

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“If you’re older, you’re smarter.” This is an argument we listen to daily. However, a user challenges its validity. They argue that they have met older, less intelligent individuals than infants.

While acknowledging that life experiences can contribute to earning wisdom compared to one’s past self, they emphasize that age alone does not confer superiority in intelligence.

Another user adds not everyone gathers wisdom as they age. People of all ages can have immature behavior, lack empathy, and make wrong decisions.

4. Frustration in Miscommunication

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The next savvy user is concerned about the misconception between “being heard and understood” and “agreeing.” They recount a frustrating argument they had with someone who failed to differentiate between understanding an argument and agreeing with it. When the commenter tries to explain to another person, understanding someone’s position does not necessarily imply agreement. They refused to accept that there was a difference.

5. Karma vs. Just World Fallacy

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Someone challenges the belief in the existence of karma, highlighting the fallacy known as the “just world fallacy.” Religious and spiritual people with a strong faith in their gods often exhibit a more optimistic perspective. This faith empowers them to have confidence in their actions, believing their deeds are guided by their worshipped gods.

Many people may avoid wrong deeds out of fear of divine punishment or a great afterlife. Ultimately, they conclude that hope is important in giving people the necessary strength in today’s society.

6. Personal Experience vs. Research

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Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

“I experienced it, so it must be true!” A frustrated user says people prioritize their personal experiences over peer-reviewed research, statistics, and studies. The commenter provides examples of people who defend their soda consumption by saying their exercise routine and overall healthy eating habits can be balanced. However, the user points out that studies indicate otherwise, contradicting their belief.

7. Debunking “Happily Ever After”

Couple in love moves into new apartment, they carry cardboard boxes with packed belongings into living room, woman sets up decorations, holds pot with plant in hand they decorate first home together
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The next commenter questions the widely romanticized notion of “happily ever after.” They express skepticism about the belief that when two people are married, their future years will effortlessly be successful without requiring hard work, sacrifices, or compromises. This doesn’t make any sense. It was even difficult for them to imagine a state of endless happiness where nothing bad ever happens to a couple.

8. Finding Reason in Randomness

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“Everything happens for a reason” doesn’t make any sense, says an individual. While acknowledging that there may be certain situations where it holds some validity, in reality, many things happen without any justifiable reason, no matter good or bad.

Another person agreed with this commenter saying things just happen. We have to face those things; sometimes, we need the courage to turn negativity into our advantage.

9. Mind-Reading Myths

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A married person raises their voice against the statement, “My partner should be able to read my mind; I don’t need to communicate well.” Another user expresses frustration with this mindset, stating that their ex-partner would say, “You should just know.” The user highlights that they are incapable of mind-reading, and partners should communicate with each other about any concerns.

10. Breaking The Cycle of Physical Punishment

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Image credit: Shutterstock.

A flawed belief is that “subjecting children to physical punishment, yelling, and public humiliation will make them successful adults.” The commenter disagrees with this approach, emphasizing that inflicting pain and violence on children is not helping their healthy emotional development or promoting good behavior.

11. Preferences Without Hatred

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People commonly assume, “If you’re not for something, you are against it.” A wise individual expresses their frustration with this myth, sharing a personal example of their preference for Xbox over PlayStation. They explain that their preference does not equate to hatred for PlayStation; rather, they would enjoy both consoles if they could buy both.

12. The Customer Is Not Always Right

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A bold user disagrees with the statement, “The customer is always right.” Customers are not always correct, and everyone must follow the rules. The user shares a personal experience where a student made a similar claim, expecting the instructor to re-conduct a missed class. In response, the instructor laughed and highlighted the irony, stating that if the student were always right, they wouldn’t need a teacher in the first place.



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