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HomeDebt FreeElemental Delivers Classic Pixar To Fans

Elemental Delivers Classic Pixar To Fans

Elemental often feels like classic Pixar. It goes back to its roots, creating a story that will pull every drop of emotion out of viewers.

Elemental Is A Love Story… But Also So Much More

It simultaneously tells a love story between Ember and Wade and a parent-child relationship story between Ember and her parents — and Wade and his mother.

Elemental is also an immigrant story. We have seen it before, but that doesn’t make this version less touching or emotional. It teaches lessons of doing what you want to do with your life, pushing boundaries, and not following any script just because you feel like you should. This movie is about being yourself and teaches important lessons for viewers of all ages — yes, adults, you too can go off and do whatever you want to in this world.

On top of all that, it is gorgeous. Many scenes could be made into posters — should be made into posters — and hung on the wall. There is an effect in every single shot as the fire inside Ember and the water inside Wade are constantly moving.

At the same time, Elemental isn’t a perfect Pixar film. It has a few flaws, including a touch-and-go first act, but once this movie finds itself, it finds itself. There’s a lot to love about this one.

An Entertaining, But Simple, Plot

The plot is believable and entertaining. I wouldn’t say it hooks you right from the start, but it finds itself by the second act, and there is no turning back after that. The plot itself is very simple. There isn’t necessarily a villain, but there is a threat that needs to be dealt with. If not for this threat, Ember and Wade never would have met.

Yes, this is a love story. But that isn’t all it is. It’s so much more than that. It is a story about families, dreams, and not allowing yourself to believe you can’t do things just because of your origins.

What starts as a story about Ember’s parents, Burny and Cinder, moving to Element City to give her a better life develops into a love story when she meets the quirky and highly emotional City Inspector Wade. One thing is for sure about him; he is not afraid to cry. Ember wants to stop him from getting her father’s shop closed down, especially since she will take it over one day. The rest is history.

Great Relationship & Character Building

It is easy to fall in love with Ember and Wade individually from the moment you meet them on screen. The more we see that they are falling for each other, the more we root for them as a couple. Because they cannot even touch, their connection is wholesome and pure. They get to know each other, share their dreams and passions, and connect on a deeper level.

When it comes to Ember’s relationship with her parents, and especially her father, it is relatable to the majority of people who will be watching Elemental. We all have parents, and every parent has sacrificed for their children. Weaving in the immigration aspect of the story, not everyone has experienced it, but we all know this sort of thing happens.

These relationships are the reason that the payoffs of the story work so well. The audience becomes so invested in these characters, and their relationships, that when the emotional beat drops, it hits hard. If these characters were not lovable or relatable, none of it would work. The incredible relationship-building throughout the film helps the audience connect with them. Therefore they get swept up in the story.

Overall Thoughts

This film is something truly special. It gives viewers a love story that is easy to root for, and a believable parent-child relationship. At the same time, the audience learns to go after their dreams, and not to be brought down by those who think each culture belongs in its own little box.

Don’t miss out on Elemental. Be sure to see it in theaters, on the big screen, with friends and family when it releases on June 16th. In true Pixar fashion, you will have shed some tears by the time the credits roll, so be sure to have tissues handy.

Elemental comes to theaters June 16th.

Rating: 8/10 SPECS

We’ve got the latest on all the movies in theaters now.

Tessa Smith owns and is a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer-approved Film and TV Critic and a huge geek. Tessa has been in the Entertainment writing business for almost ten years and is a member of several Critics associations including the Critics Choice Association and the Greater Western New York Film Critics Association. She grew up watching movies, playing video games, and reading comic books — and still loves all of those things. She proudly lets her geek flag fly and spreads the word that there is nothing wrong with being a geek.



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