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HomeDebt Free12 Things Boomers Agree Are The Most Rewarding About Growing Old

12 Things Boomers Agree Are The Most Rewarding About Growing Old

Growing older is incredibly rewarding, and many consider it the best time of their lives. Recently, boomers came togetherĀ in an online discussionĀ to reveal the little things that are most rewarding during their golden years. After reading this list, you’ll share in their excitement!

1. You Can Wear Whatever You Want

mature couple
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I was surprised how many boomers brought up that they relish in wearing whatever they want. It’s true, though. Until you reach a certain age, society has certain expectations of how you dress. Once you reach old age, those expectations go right out the window.

2. Feeling Complete

happy boomer couple
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Above all else, boomers enjoy the feeling of completeness that often accompanies old age. ā€œYou know that feeling when you come home from work, kick back with a sense of accomplishment? That’s how it feels for me now,ā€ one boomer reveals. ā€œNo more dating, no more babies, no more job interviews or climbing the corporate ladder. Been there, done that. It’s all behind me now. It feels wonderful.ā€

I can’t wait to feel the same!

3. Seeing Your Children Have Success

Happy Family
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For many boomers, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing their children (and grandchildren) navigate through life and be successful. In addition, many people love seeing their kids become parents of their own and take a lot of pride in seeing that transformation.

4. Seeing Things More Positively

older woman hiking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If there’s one thing to look forward to about growing older, you often see things in life more positively. Gone are short-tempered days. ā€œMy temper has cooled down a bit ā€“ it’s like sailing in calmer waters,ā€ reports one boomer. ā€œGetting some psychological distance on things that bothered me when I was younger is also a huge blessing.ā€

5. Constant Memories To Look Back On

suprised older generation
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Looking back on a well-lived life is one of the most gratifying things about growing old. From vacations to romance to memorable moments, the ability to dig through your personal memory bank is something that only boomers can boast about.

6. You Can Be a ā€œBonusā€ Mom or Dad

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Being a parent never stops, and boomers admit still spreading love in their golden years is a source of much happiness and joy. ā€œI love that as an older, frumpy, gray-haired woman, I can act as a sort of ā€˜bonus mom’ to young people,ā€ one woman confesses. ā€œI can call the boy at the register a cutie, or my tell my server she has no business being so beautiful. I love it so much!ā€

7. Sleeping in as Late as You Want

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Even though many younger adults enjoy this daily treat, boomers confess there’s nothing quite like sleeping in with little-to-no responsibilities looming during your day. But, of course, nobody will tell you otherwise if you want to wake up at six or eleven o’clock.

It’s like college all over again.

8. Not Caring What People Think

Elderly couple. Joyful nice elderly couple smiling while being in a great mood
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When you’re young, there’s a thin line between not caring what people think and being an inconsiderate jerk. But fortunately, when you reach a certain age, you genuinely don’t care what people think, leading to an entirely new worldview many boomers believe is extremely rewarding.

9. Financial Freedom

Smiling Senior retirees Friends Having Fun Walking In Countryside Together
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Thanks to programs like retirement income, social security, and pension plans, the income you receive later in life may be the most money you’ve ever earned. ā€œIf you’ve lived right and things went your way, financial freedom is fantastic,ā€ reports one boomer. ā€œIt sucks being tied to an income.ā€

10. Strangers Are More Polite

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

From people calling you ā€œsirā€ or strangers always holding doors open for you, the red carpet is ostensibly rolled out for boomers in modern society. It’s a shame it takes so long for doors to be held for you constantly, but by the time you reach a certain age, it’s appreciated!

11. Cherishing Every Moment

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As you age, you become more and more conscious of the fact that time moves quickly. It makes it easier to appreciate the small moments. ā€œBeing extremely aware that time is limited, so cherishing every moment is quite nice. That could be considered a blessing or a curse, but I see it as a blessing for sure.ā€

12. The Discounts

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t love a good discount? Many boomers express happiness over discounts that only apply to their age group ā€“ from early bird specials to discounted drinks and cheap vacations, there’s a discount for nearly everything once you hit a certain age.

(Source: Reddit)



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