Friday, June 16, 2023
HomeMortgageSubstandard rental housing poses health and wellbeing risks – study

Substandard rental housing poses health and wellbeing risks – study

A large proportion of substandard rental properties are putting residents’ health and wellbeing at risk, according to new research from the University of South Australia.

The research paper, authored by researchers from UniSA, the University of Adelaide, and the University of Melbourne, found in its review of rental housing standards, housing and health policy in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK that while international regulations exist, there is no comparable Australian instrument to ensure the quality and condition of “second-hand” homes

The problem, which was fuelled by weak regulation of housing standards and under-investment in public housing services, exposes people to substandard living conditions, particularly poor heating and cooling, along with damp and mouldy conditions – which can impact physical and mental health, the study found.

Lyrian Daniel (pictured above), UniSA enterprise fellow and associate professor in architecture, said that while new and renovated houses in Australia must have a seven-star energy efficiency rating, existing housing stock continued to be among the least energy efficient of all homes in the country.

“People who are renting a home have a right to expect that their housing is fit for living,” Daniel said. “But when we are continually seeing reports of mould, disrepair, and other awful conditions, we know that something is wrong. Internationally, other countries are a step ahead of us in putting better protections in place.”

Both the UK and New Zealand have legislation in place to ensure all rental properties are fit for human habitation. The former has the Homes Act 2018, and the latter, the Healthy Home Guarantee Act 2017.

“The evidence shows that formalised standards reduce substandard housing conditions,” Daniel said. “Australia has no such legislation. This leaves many people with no option but to endure poor living conditions such as houses that are cold, damp, or mouldy.”

A recent article co-authored by Daniel revealed that four out of five Australian homes failed to meet World Health Organization minimum standards for warmth.

Prior to COVID-19, an estimated 1 million Australians were living in poor to very poor housing, the research found – but this figure would have likely sharply increased due to rising interest rates and other factors, Daniel said.

“We are seeing a perfect storm for renters at the moment,” she said. “Cost-of-living pressures, record-low vacancy rates, and a housing stock largely unregulated in terms of quality and condition mean that many households have no choice but to put up with conditions that may be harming their family’s health.”

In response to study findings, UniSA housing researchers are now calling for five institutional shifts to deliver a healthier housing system in the country. These are as follows:

  • policy objectives explicitly linking housing conditions and health outcomes
  • community awareness and sector advocacy used to help overcome complex structures of government
  • policy approaches that foster collective social responsibility
  • transparent and objective mandatory requirements
  • robust protocols developed and applied for tracking progress

“There is some cause for cautious optimism regarding housing policy in Australia at the moment,” she said. “Since the pandemic, we have seen renewed interest from all levels of government. The lessons learned from our international counterparts represent a chance for us to put some solid policies in place to make sure that all Australians have homes that are health supporting.”

Daniel highlighted the need though to make sure politicians and policymakers know that this is an important issue.

“As a community, we need to keep this at the top of the agenda and continue to produce robust research evidence,” she said.

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