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HomeDebt Free12 Best Locations To Watch The End of The World Unfold

12 Best Locations To Watch The End of The World Unfold

Let’s say it’s finally happening – humanity is doomed. This is our final hour here on Earth. With endless possibilities, how would you spend it, and more importantly, where would you go? These are the 12 answers hypothetical witnesses of the apocalypse gave as their wish for their final resting place.

1. Stay In Bed

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Image Credit: Teerawit Chankowet/Shutterstock.

Sure, you can spend your last minutes on this Earth venturing somewhere far away or make the most of what’s in front of you. For many, that’s the comfort of our bed, snuggling up with our significant or maybe even our pets. Look, if this is the end, I want to be cozy! I’m putting on Gilmore Girls, making a cup of coffee, and enjoying breakfast in bed. What happens outside is no longer of concern to me.

2. Relaxing on The Front Porch

Rich woman enjoying the sunset standing on the balcony at luxury apartments in New York
Image Credit: Nick Starichenko/Shutterstock.

For other homebodies, they cite the desire to have one last family hangout on Zoom. Can we give it up for virtual communication for a moment? Even if we’re thousands of miles away, a wifi connection is all you need to be brought together once again.

A loving father wishes nothing more than to sit on his front porch watching Paw Patrol with his pregnant wife, 2-year-old daughter, and the rest of the family, who are there virtually. It’s the simple things in life – the joyful innocence of youth can bring tears to your eyes and give you hope.

3. Sitting on Top of My Van Overlooking The Coast

Solo Female Traveler - Happy woman backpacker traveler take a selfie photo on amazing ocean coast
Image Credit: Soloviova Liudmyla/Shutterstock.

This one is peculiarly specific, but if you’re a van-lifer who happens to have a conversion van, you can take up the same last sight-seeing venture. This nomad wants to chill in his van with his dog and chicken, overlooking the coast and enjoying these final moments with them. You may not have a dog and a chicken living in your van, but it does sound peaceful to drive along the coast looking at beautiful sunsets for the last time.

As for myself, the beach is my ultimate happy place, so I’d drive down to the beach, lay down a towel, and happily fall asleep in the sun.

4. Playing With My Kids in The Living Room

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s nothing quite like the love of a mother. Moms insist they would want to play with their little kids in the living room, dancing to their favorite songs like Baby Shark. They add, “Life is about giving and receiving love; that’s what gives it meaning as far as I’m concerned.” That’s beautiful and so true; don’t spend your last moments worrying or chasing something pointless and fleeting. Spend it cherishing your loved ones and reminding them why life was worth living at all.

5. Underground Caverns in The Mountains

Grand Canyon Caverns.
Image credit: Shutterstock.

One traveler says they would drive to the underground caverns in the mountains, evolving their senses to adapt to the pitch-black and damp conditions, eating bugs or anything else that was once alive. Okay, that sounds more like Gollum, but whatever floats your boat. I can’t argue with the utility of hiding out in a cave within the mountains, though. Let’s just hope it doesn’t collapse.

6. Travel to The Site The Asteroid Will Hit To Avoid Living in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Beautiful Asian woman is working with laptop in airplane
Image Credit: Shutterstock / Thanakorn.P.

This idea cracks me up because it’s the line of thinking my anxious mind would conjure up. Some of you may be built for post-apocalyptic living — survival of the fittest and all that. As for this person, who would rather find out exactly where the asteroid will hit to ensure death is 100% certain, I have to sympathize with the idea. Living in a post-apocalyptic world where most, if not all, of your loved ones are gone sounds like misery.

7. Grab a Lawn Chair and Watch The Show From up on The Roof

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

An asteroid, you say? Sounds like a “lit” fireworks show, you might as well get the best seat in, or should I say, on the house. Grab a beer, kick back, and enjoy the light show. I mean, what else is there to do? My beer of choice will be a Corona, and I hope the fireworks last at least as long as the 4th of July displays.

8. Cuddling With My Dogs on The Couch

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Image Credit: Gladskikh Tatiana/Shutterstock.

If I was alone in a house with my dogs, I’d also want to pour myself a cup of coffee and cuddle with them on the couch. You know what? Make it a caramel latte; it’s a special occasion. The dogs get extra treats, and we’re going to watch Air Bud.

9. I’ll Probably Be at Work (I’m Always at Work)

Smiling attractive young woman sitting on sofa using laptop communicating working online at home, happy teen girl typing on computer, enjoying writing blog or chatting with friends in social network
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You know that one friend who’s like a ghost in the group chat, who barely ever answers and is always busy at work? Expect things to be the same during the apocalypse. Their plans are booked for them – they have an overnight shift, which might be worse than the apocalypse itself. The good news, though? They’re gifted the bliss of ignorance and probably have no idea what’s going on.

10. Stay at a Luxurious Hotel

Woman in white hat at a luxury vacation resort.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Much like this hotel connoisseur, I am a huge fan of hotel stays. They’re cute, they’re exciting, they’re novel, and they have nice swimming pools. This avid hotel stayer recommends booking a nice hotel, cozying up in the comfortable bed with the AC cranked up, and enjoying the hotel’s amenities. If it’s your last hour, the money isn’t much of a concern.

11. Hike up a Mountain for a Spectacular View

Hiker in Snowdonia National Park, Wales.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As one apocalyptic sightseer says, “Start hiking up a local mountain to get a spectacular view of my impending doom.” Honestly sounds lovely — a last hurrah through physical activity, beautiful scenery, and a great view.

12. Spend My Last Moments at The Gravesite of a Loved One

People hugging outside at a cemetary
Image Credit:

A widower expresses his longing to be with his late wife, who has since passed. Desiring to be reunited, he would visit her gravesite and wait there for the end. If you’ve ever lost a loved one, then you understand.

(Source: Reddit)



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