Sunday, July 2, 2023
HomeWork From HomeHow to Make Money as a Kid: A Guide for Parents

How to Make Money as a Kid: A Guide for Parents

Is your child or teen looking for ways to earn cash from home? Here are 30 great ways to make money as a kid.

As a child, I remember being so excited to be old enough to babysit for money. I loved kids and wanted extra money in addition to my weekly allowance. I got several babysitting jobs in my early teens and remember that time in my life fondly. 

I’m not sure if it was my early years of babysitting or my mother owning her cleaning business, but ever since then, I’ve had the desire to be my own boss. 

Of course, not every younger kid who has the itch to make money with a little side business is going to become a lifelong entrepreneur. However, the experience will teach children about making money, the business side of running a business, and how to work with customers. And it goes beyond just the standard lemonade stand, although that is a great place to start. 

In this article, I’m going to talk about how your child can make extra cash doing things such as dog walking, music lessons, running a bake sale with cookies, raking leaves, and even pet sitting. 

Benefits of Kids in Business

As a parent, you may be wondering what would be the benefits of your child starting his or her own business. Why would you want to allow your child to sell a product or service as a child or teenager? 

I know it can sound a bit overwhelming, especially if you, as the parent, aren’t an entrepreneur and aren’t sure about the ins and outs of being one. But helping your child make money with a side business isn’t as scary or involved as it may sound to be. And the benefits can far outweigh the potential challenges. 

The Benefits of a Child-Run Business

Learn Responsibility 

Your child will learn financial responsibility as an entrepreneur, including keeping track of money and tracking expenses. In addition to financial responsibility, your child will also learn time management skills, leadership skills, accountability, and even problem-solving skills. Running a small business is more than the simple act of selling something. Being in charge of a business teaches all these skills and more!

Develop a Work Ethic 

Running a small business is no small fete. It requires a lot of work, balancing school and business, and prioritizing business over playtime, which all combined teaches your child a good strong work ethic. And a work ethic is going to carry your child throughout their life, even if they don’t continue down the entrepreneurship road. 

Build Confidence 

As your child dips their toes into the world of small business, they are going to have many opportunities to grow in confidence. They’re earning their own money and making decisions to help grow their businesses, and that will grow their confidence in themselves. 


Your child will be making decisions for their business, and while you will have some level of interaction with the business, it is theirs in the end, and they will feel that responsibility. Making decisions and making their own money will help grow their sense of independence. 

Gain an Understanding of Finances 

When you’re making money with more than just chores, you’re learning a lot about finances. You’re learning how to create and balance a budget, track expenses, price your items, track your time, and so on. This helps them grow an understanding of finances, which will carry through into their adult years. 

As you can see, there are great benefits to allowing your child to make his or her own money; however, there can have some potential challenges to overcome as well. It’s important to have a well-rounded view of your child making money, so let’s learn a bit about these potential challenges and some ways to overcome them. 

Potential Challenges to Overcome

It’s not all roses and butterflies allowing your child to start their own business. To give you a well-rounded look at this topic of kids making money, I felt it important to share these challenges and some ideas for overcoming them to give you both the best chance at making the right decision for the family. 

Safety Concerns 

If your child wants to mow lawns as a part-time job, then they will be in charge of big and sharp equipment that could have some potential danger to it, especially if the child is young. 

You’ll need to decide if your child is old enough and responsible enough to handle the equipment on their own or if you’ll come along to supervise. 

The same can be said for children who are babysitting. Your child will be alone in the family’s home and, depending on their age and responsible nature, could be a safety concern. You’ll want to meet parents and the children your teen will be watching, vetting the family. This will also allow the family to meet your teen and ask questions. You’ll also want your child to know what to do in the case of an emergency so they are prepared if something comes up.


Depending on how much your child makes, there may be tax implications that arise. In addition to teaching your child about taxes, you’ll want to meet with a tax professional. This will allow you both to be certain of the tax laws in your state, city, and/or county before the child earns money. Learn more about how to set up your child’s business legally