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HomeDebt FreeThe Boomerang Generation: Should Parents Let Their Kids Move Home When Needed?

The Boomerang Generation: Should Parents Let Their Kids Move Home When Needed?

Twitter users became fired up when a user shared a heartbreaking story from a young lady who was estranged from her parents. The short version was that the parents wouldn’t let their 25-year-old daughter, who was going through some financial difficulties, move back home temporarily.

Tough Love

The dilemma asked a serious question: Is there a limit for your child to move back home with you? Does it matter how old your child even is? Some parents, like the ones in the story, clearly believe there is a limit.

Naturally, the story caused much dismay online, with parents weighing in with their views on such a matter. The first response came from izzy, who said:

Once you can understand the meaning of the quad/bone dichotomy, it is hard to disagree with this sentiment.

Some Kids Have Long Memories

Being a parent myself, I can never think of a time when my son won’t be welcome to live with his mother and me. Apparently, y’all would agree!

I hope this user’s parents take note! Another voice, Chimene Suleyman went even further, adding that the girl shouldn’t even bother, considering the parents’ treatment of her.

Welcome to The Real World

Of course, this would be a boring debate if everybody agreed, so an interesting take came shortly after from SilverBackedGorilla who was less sympathetic.

Others were in agreement with this tough-love approach, including mama z, who suffered a similar fate in her youth. Some parents believe in the sink-or-swim ethos!

The Kids Are Not Alright

This reader was so irked, they created a hypothetical situation in which they were the girl in question! Don’t mess with Jacobbi McDaniel.

This situation is quite triggering for many people, and who is to blame them? It cannot be nice knowing your parents would prefer you didn’t live with them. Moreover, how does one mend their relationship with their folks after this?

Paige Burton was upset at this scenario, especially considering the fact she was unable to live with her boyfriend and had to live in shared accommodation with some suspect characters.

The Next Generation

Let’s not forget there is a generational rift in society these days, with those in Generation X losing touch with their Gen-Z and younger Millennial children. Values and work ethics today maybe aren’t what they were, according to Ty.

So, are these parents the final A in AITA? Most people would think so, though once you look through these responses, it isn’t so straightforward.

One must agree that good parenting at some point involves tough love and discipline; the degree to which it goes is the question. 




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