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HomeDebt FreeSociety's Twisted Tolerance: 12 Disturbing Things We've Learned To Live With

Society’s Twisted Tolerance: 12 Disturbing Things We’ve Learned To Live With

Times are changing — with each change comes the good and bad. That society is now welcoming things that used to be outrageous is good and bad because society has no filter to choose between things that should never be condoned and things that need to be accepted. 

In this post, we explore 12 messed up things society is now okay with, based on consensus. 

1. Social Media Addiction

Woman managing social media on an iPad
Image Credit: LightField Studios via Shutterstock.

Social media addiction is a growing concern in this generation. However, many people do not see this as alarming. Although they are aware that nearly everything has a good and bad side and social media has its evil side, they tend to turn a blind to it. 

One person points out how TikTok targets the younger audience and the possible effects these “short traps” have on our attention spans. 

2. Awful Parenting

iPhone Parental Controls - Smiling parents with little boy child talk on video call on cellphone
Image Credit: fizkes and Shutterstock

Kids will be kids — while that does not excuse bratty and spoiled behavior, it means kids are bound to behave in a certain way. 

Regardless of the famous saying, “Spare the rod and spoil the child,” one must not resort to violence to correct a child. These days, parents think it’s cool to be feared by their children and, worse, to beat them for misbehavior. It is still a crime. 

3. Political Corruption

Political Corruption
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Perhaps, folks are tired of talking about this and have grown lenient to its perpetrators, especially when their hands are tied most of the time. Corruption in the political sector is ever-growing, to the point where it’s hard to convince anyone that politics is free and fair for all. 

A contributor says, “I think we’re just in a state of ‘there’s nothing we can do about it apart from an all-out war against our own government.’”

4. Worker Exploitation

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

In many states and countries, minimum wages have remained the same. In mine, the minimum wage is barely up to a dollar and has always been this way. 

It is a tough life for civilians who have to survive inflation and insufficiency with poor wages. In most cases, the only thing that increases is workers’ workloads, even with families to feed. 

5. The Hustle and Bustle

Smiling attractive young woman sitting on sofa using laptop communicating working online at home, happy teen girl typing on computer, enjoying writing blog or chatting with friends in social network
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Nothing is inspiring or admirable about the hustle and bustle of some folks’ everyday life. Suddenly, we must work round the clock to live not a glamorous but an ordinary, decent life.

Critics attacked Beyoncé when she sang about opting out of the hustle culture, but who can blame her? Most people face mental health issues every day and can never fully enjoy the fruits of their labor. More people need to know that it’s okay to have lazy days.  

6. Unhealthy Food 

man boiling his food
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Anyone else notices how hard it is to avoid unhealthy food? They are everywhere you turn. Some days, we barely get enough time to make a meal, and it would be nice to step out of the house and get something to eat that doesn’t equals a thousand calories. 

This is even more prevalent in America, where everywhere there’s a branch of a chain store that sells junk and where the produce section of larger stores “just doesn’t cut it.”

7. Unnecessary Circumcision

clay hand print
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Circumcision is a tradition that has been there for so long that people often forget it is not the law. 

These days, new parents are frowning at the idea of circumcision. They argue that it is a form of abuse and it is not okay to do that to a baby because “they won’t remember it anyway.”

8. Alcohol

Shot of young men and women enjoying a party. Group of friends having drinks at nightclub.
Image Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock.

You can get alcohol almost everywhere, and even when it’s “not for sale to people under 18,” young people are indulging in it, and no one cares much. Meanwhile, cigarettes and other substances are still considered illegal in most countries.

Hypocritical much?

9. Terrible Driving 

Mom driving a car with kids in the back seat.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Driving is a skill that takes months to perfect, yet everyone has a license nowadays. This endangers the lives of pedestrians. One talks about how they almost get knocked over every day, and more commenters share their experiences, too. 

It is not enough for one to get their license — they have to perfect the skill or be penalized for their carelessness. 

10. Inaccessibility to Healthcare

Hospital staff in lobby
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Healthcare should be accessible to all, but only a few can afford these costs at the cost of their lives. It is a leading cause of so many people dying in America and other countries. Even with their health insurance, most cannot afford these prices, and there should be more awareness. 

11. Women’s Medical Treatment

doctor talking to patient
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is not talked about enough. One person thinks that if women have reached equality, as many claim, why is their pain constantly overlooked? Many healthcare systems prioritize a woman’s reproductive ability over her life.

Women are humans and not vessels, and whether or not she can birth a child does not make her any less of a human or make her subject to extreme medical procedures or treatments. 

“And don’t even get me started on the way birth control is pushed on us,” this person continues, pointing out how it destroys the woman’s body and mental state.

12. Constantly Posting Children on Social Media

Kids playing with phone, laptop
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Kanye West may be wrong about many things. Still, when it comes to mothers indulging their children with social media, folks think he’s right. 

There are many dangers of constantly exposing your young child to social media, but mainly, there’s the effect it has on their mental health and brain, and the fact that strangers on the internet could know more about a child than their parents do is scary.

Adults may need to consider this.

Source: (Reddit)

Boloere Seibidor, fondly called B.S. is a Nigerian-based writer and poet. Her favorite topics to cover include music, especially Hip-Hop, film, lifestyle, and fashion. She’s been published by Feral Journal, Fantasy Magazine, The Temz Review, and most notably, Wealth of Geeks. She enjoys romantic dinners, movie nights, and touring new sites. When she’s not writing, she’s delving back in time to the underground world of Hip-Hop, watching TikTok, or visiting the cinema.



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