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HomeDebt Free15 Movie Tropes That Are Anything But True

15 Movie Tropes That Are Anything But True

The stories movies are trying to tell often rely on stereotypes to get the point across. But sometimes, those stereotypes end up doing more harm than good. The following tropes and stereotypes we found to be anything but true.

1. Big Guys Are Bullies

Not Another Teen Movie Chris Evans
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

Many movies present this trip as all the big guys are bullies. They can be a football player or any famous leading college person who bullies all the weak ones. A movie viewer commented that, in reality, all the football players and captains are too busy at practice to bully. 

2. Anyone With Computer Skills Is a Hacker

Image Credit: Walt Disney Pictures.

We all have seen those movies where a person with a computer has super-amazing skills. They are a gamer who can hack anything from any secure database.

3. Heroes Surviving The Grenades

The Dark Knight Heath Ledger
Image credit: Warner Bros.

A movie commentator tells a false trope that they hand over each other grenade, which explodes like a 500kg bomb and destroys the whole building. And the hero can be seen getting out of the explosion with cool looks. 

4. Characters Being Declared Not Guilty Due to Insanity

Primal Fear Richard Gere
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

We have seen that a person can be declared as Not Guilty by the judge if they prove to have mental issues or insanity. But in reality, if they have done murders despite being insane, they will end up being in jail or a mental health institute. 

5. Shooting Propane Tanks, and They Explode

Bad Boys II
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

All of us have witnessed the scene in Hollywood movies where a propane tank or car is shot, and it suddenly explodes. But it is a false trope, as a single bullet can never explode a tank. A viewer commented that it was tested where they had to use a machine gun fire several times to make the tank explode.

6. Love Conquers All

The Notebook Rachel McAdams
Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

One of the movie’s most common themes is that love can conquer everything. But real-life love stories are far more complicated and complex.

7. Giving Birth Is So Easy

Knocked Up Katherine Heigl, Leslie Mann, Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

A filmholic says that in movies, the birth scenes are depicted so easily that a woman is pregnant and her water bag breaks; they get to the hospital and, in 5 minutes, have a baby in their hands. But the real-life birth scenes are far more chaotic and disturbing than what is shown.

8. You Can Disguise Wearing a Doctor’s Coat

Catch Me If You Can Leonardo DiCaprio
Image Credit: DreamWorks Pictures.

It is so easy to disguise in movies where the characters wear a doctor’s coat and can easily enter any patient’s room. The audience knows that it is not that easy to get a hand on a doctor’s coat in a hospital, and even if they get the coat, all the nurses and doctors around can identify them as not a doctor. 

9. Crystal Clear Picture in Video Footage

Eagle Eye Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan
Image Credit: DreamWorks/Paramount Distribution.

We have often seen in movies that whenever video footage is required in which the culprit can be seen, the CCTV footage is magically enhanced. A film viewer says that they shout Zoom. In addition, the person on the computer presses a few keys on the keyboard, and the picture becomes crystal clear. How is it possible to generate a clear crime scene clip where the criminal did not try to stay hidden from CCTV? It surely is a false trope.

10. Having Coffee to Sober You Up

The Hangover Part II Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ken Jeong, Ed Helms
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

In movies, they often show that having coffee can sober you up and you can do more work when the reality is completely opposite. According to a movie reviewer, he tried this, and it did not serve any good results. Having too much caffeine to do work is a bad idea. 

11. Shot at Shoulder & You Are Going To Die

Die Hard Bruce Willis
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

A movie fan comments that it is usually shown in movies that if a person is shot in the shoulder, he or she will probably die. Another commentator added that if not dead, they are unable to use that arm for the rest of their lives. It really is a false trope as bullets, of course, can affect a person, but not as much as they show in movies.

12. Riding Bikes Without Eye Protection

Premium Rush Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

We have often seen movie heroes driving their bikes and motorcycles without eye protection. When in reality, it is nearly impossible to ride a bike and drive it at speed without wearing eye protection glasses.

13. Super Stunts With Cars Are Fine

The Fast and the Furious Vin Diesel, Paul Walker
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

A film viewer states that flying your car over a bridge and landing on a smaller car will definitely destroy your car. But Hollywood presents the super stunts scenes where the main character can fly their cars, but their cars can smoothly run. 

14. Hero Can Dodge All The Bullets Being Shot at Him

The Matrix Keanu Reeves
Image Credit: Warner Bros.

A commonly presented trope where the hero is being shot more than 50 bullets from all directions, but he magically dodges all the bullets and gets to the safe place without getting any scratches. A viewer comments that it looks so annoying when the main character does this.

15. Women Fighting in Heels

Charlie's Angels Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

Hollywood often presents strong women easily hopping around and fighting in heels. Although it looks quite encouraging but is completely false as it is more than difficult to walk straight in heels, let alone run and do action scenes.

Source: Reddit



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