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HomeDebt Free7 Decluttering Mantras To Help Let That Clutter Go

7 Decluttering Mantras To Help Let That Clutter Go

Decluttering is a struggle for many. However, some helpful decluttering quotes may encourage you to let the clutter go. Of course, the best-known method for decluttering is the 20/20 Rule. The 20/20 Rule states that if an item costs less than $20 and takes less than 20 minutes to replace, you can eliminate it. Still, one Redditor wanted to know if there were more helpful quotes or principles to guide one’s decision to let go of clutter that should be gone. And the answer is yes.

Here are other interesting decluttering principles, according to others, that you may find helpful when it gets tough to let go of stuff.

1 – If I Didn’t Already Own It, Would I Buy It Today?

Deciding, choosing, options, shrug, unsure
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You already know your current needs, so you’ll always be able to consider this question.

Just because something has been in your house for some time does not mean you would choose to buy it if you had the option. Therefore, you can let that clutter go.

2 – Always Put It Away

clutter quotes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Items in the home should have a proper place to help you stay organized. Now, if an item doesn’t have a designated spot, do you want to constantly move it around to tidy it up? Highly unlikely! This relates to the One Touch Rule.

3 – Need, Want, or Guilt

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People hold on to items because they think they need them, want them, or feel guilty or bad about throwing them away. It surely helps to reevaluate your reasons for keeping stuff.

For example, are you keeping items out of guilt or “duty” because it was a gift you didn’t like and would never use? Or did you acquire them “for my fantasy self,” which adds another layer of sadness, guilt, or frustration?

4 – If This Was Covered in Dust, Would I Clean It?

Woman cleaning
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Who would want to clean something unnecessary over and over? The correct response is that you wouldn’t.

Thanks to the Nourishing Minimalism theory, people can move from being undecided to making a quick decision. For example, when decluttering (and buying), one person who lives in a country with a lot of dust asks themselves, “Do I want to dust this?” If the answer is no, it is on the declutter and do-not-buy list.

5 – Appreciate Without Ownership

People looking through a shopwindow of a dealership
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One cleaner settles for admiring rather than acquiring to stop clutter. They are content with admiring what they feel tempted to buy or keep. Even with an “if I don’t buy it now, it’ll be gone when I come back” mindset, this principle can help curb impulse buying.

6 – Everything Is Just Pre-Garbage

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This principle speaks to me personally because it is based on a principle I’ve always held dear: the meanings we give to, or place on things determine their worth and value.

7 – 90/90 Rule

woman organizing clothes in a closet
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you haven’t used something in the past 90 days, chances are you won’t use it in the next 90 days. So, if you cannot answer yes to both, you should eliminate it.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to everything. But as one homeowner pointed out, it’s a good starting point for things like clothing, kitchenware, and accumulated “stuff.”

Source: Reddit.

Amaka Chukwuma is a freelance content writer with a BA in linguistics. As a result of her insatiable curiosity, she writes in various B2C and B2B niches. Her favorite subject matter, however, is in the financial, health, and technological niches. She has contributed to publications like Buttonwood Tree and FinanceBuzz in the past and currently writes for Wealth of Geeks.



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