Tuesday, August 22, 2023
HomeDebt FreeCan we make it on $50?

Can we make it on $50?


I have started my second trip to Texas. I have a full tank of gas and $50. Do you think we can make it on that?

Don’t get me wrong. I will get paid tomorrow, so I will have access to some money…at least until I pay my bills. And Gymnast actually put $40 in my hand when I drove away yesterday and said to call if I needed money or got stuck. (There are just some days you know you did something right when raising your kids.)

I’ve lined up friends to stay with every stop along the way there.

I packed a cooler with drinks, apples, cheese, and added some granola bars and peanut butter packets. (All food from my house versus a special grocery trip.)

And, of course, I have all the food and water Addie may need. (Had some distilled water gallons from my ex-fiance’s CPAP in my closet so am using those as her water.)

Addie and I – Day 1 of our road trip

The Math

So I filled the tank of before I left. I have $50 readily available. (Not counting my $40 in cash.) And I have 1,031 miles to travel.

I get between 350-400 miles per tank of gas on the highway. So it’s going to be really close. But I’m going to challenge myself. (Not so much that I’m going to risk running out of gas on the side of the road.) Just imagine if I can make this happen, how much more travel I can do once I’m back on my feet if I get good at the packing and planning to cut down costs.

Here’s to the life of adventure I am actively seeking. And this is just step one.

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